Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Week 18 - Pig Skin is so Good

Wowie I love the mission. I love this gospel. I love what the Lord has given me and what i have to share with everyone here in San Pablo 2!!!! There is so much joy in this world and when you are filled with the spirit you can see all the joys that there is. I really hope that made sense. Not everyday is easy but everyday is more than worth it!! I know that i have never been happier and it just keeps growing. I dont have words that can explain how grateful i am for my life, for my family and friends, and for this opportunity i have to spread the gospel everyday!! Monday : Kinda strange to see Americans in Otavalo (lots of tourists) but to see one of your best friends is a little more strange! hahaha it was so fun to see Mikell and she got to eat lunch with a lot of my hermanas here in my zone and NOW SHES HEADED TO MADRID SPAIN IN DECEMBER!!!!! wohooooo congrats kell Tuesday : FELIZ CUMPLEANOS PAPI!! okay one of the hermanos that were teaching, andres, is one of the funniest people i have ever met. We passed by there house and i told them it was my birthday so hed play happy birthday on the guitar but he wouldnt so then karina brought down her puppet that she made and andres sang happy birthday to my father because it was actually his birthday and not mine... pero it was super funny.  Wednsday : We had intercambios... i really dont know what the translation is but i went to the are of my hermana lider and spent the day with her and it was so fun!!! I love talking to random strangers and playing jump rope with children in the street!!! We also ate waffles and wow its been awhile and you should try ice cream with waffles. so good.  Thursday : We had interviews with the new mission president and he is the best!!! So funny and he loves to talk and has some amazing stories about missionary work without a nametag! Its possible people and we should all be sharing the gospel tag or notag!!!!  Friday : I ate pig skin, and i liked it. I love the food here and its so strange. But all our lessons fell through and so we contacted a lot and then i realized something. If you make homemade syrup, without mapelin or however you spell it... and then you put it on popcorn, its basically carmel corn. but just sugar and popcorn. and its so good. and cheep. Im learning lots of life hacks here in the mission. Saturday : We had classes for english and it was the funniest thing ever. Andres whos like 34 was learning too and he hadnt written everything down and tried copying the paper from a little girl and she wouldnt let him copy and he kept asking to copy her paper and yeah it was so funny.  Sunday : Santiago Ipiales has his baptismal date set for the 10 of august and then we had a family night with the family he works with and when we asked about his baptism Rosa flipped because they have a family party the 10th and so she was like why on earth did you choose that date?! so then we talked about it and told him we coud do it a week earlier or a week later and he replied with, well i think its better if im baptized a week earlier. So we are working hard to help him be prepared for his interview!!! SO GOOD THAT SANTIAGO!!! that doesnt make sense in english but in spanish it does. i think. But this gospel is so good!!!!!!! I LOVE IT ALMA 29:14 wow this scripture is so good. and so true. go read alma all of it. ITS THE BEST!!! True happiness comes from this gospel and comes from others. Not our own succuss but the success of others. I LOVE YOU ALL AND HAVE SUCH A GOOD WEEK Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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