Monday, July 8, 2019

Week 15 - First call home

(Today's email is a little more disjointed and confusing because ashlyn video chatted with us today!!! First time since being in Ecuador! It did my heart so good to see and hear my beautiful daughter! She's truly as happy as she sounds in her emails. I will try to add a little to her email to fill in some of the missing information since she whipped this out in our last 10 min of talking. )  Monday we woke up so early and went on a hike to NEVADO!!!! Pues not Nevada but close! hahaha but it was super cold but super fun! We hiked for a long time and the pictures from last week were from that hike, mother can add a few more if she pleases. haha super fun day  (They woke at 3 a.m., got ready, and had to catch a bus to meet up with the other missionaries. She said it was a little unsettling to be out at that time. Lots of people are up heading to work at that hour. Once they met up with the other missionaries, they called a taxi to get them up the mountain. The truck/ taxi couldn't go as far up the mountain as usual because the snow had been melting and the roads were extremely muddy and hard to drive in. So their hike up the mountain was longer than expected. They were tired, hungry, cold and needed a bathroom but once they made it to the top they said it was totally worth it!)  Tuesday I met the new mission president!! Presidente Chacon! He knows a couple that was in the branch in the mtc and so he saw a picture of me and was looking for me in each zone conference and when i said Hermana Campbell he was like ahh we found you!!! it was a little awkward but super cool!!! They are such a great couple and I am so excited to get to know them more!!!  (Ok, so while ashlyn was in the mtc, she met a senior couple who knows president and sister chacon from Venezuela. When the couple found out ashlyn would be in the chacon's mission, they got a picture of her and sent it to the chacon's and told them to watch for her. So once president and sister chacon got to Ecuador they started watching for her in the different zones. When they saw her that's when they said they had been watching for her and finally found her! She said they are so nice and loving!)  Wednsday: We had the lesson with the lady from the amish cult and holy she is so good!! She only goes to that church because its close! She is So amazing and i am excited to meet with them more!!  BUT AMAZING NEWS!!! Familia Bonilla accepted there baptismal date for the 20th of July!!! Wohoooooo1!!! So excited for them!!!  OH ALSO WOHOOO HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!! I LOVE MY COUNTRY  Thursday Wow today was a crazy day. full of lots of lessons and ahhh its crazy. you can totally tell. If people are willing to act they will receive answers and grow. If not they will be full of doubts.  Friday : I LOVE THIS WORK. LOTS OF HIKING AND TEACHING LESSONS!!  Saturday : The elders had a baptism and he is so full of light and happiness!!!! wohooo  Sunday! Wow what a blessing we had so many investigators attend church and they all want to learn more!!!  WHOOOOOOOOO  Great week and the truth of it all was Thrusday. If we are willing to act... read, pray and attend church we will always be growing our testimony. IF not we are losing the best thing we have ever been given. Love the Lord and love Him enough to share what he has given us. This gospel. It is the answer to everything.  (I loved hearing ashlyn speak. She's already developing an accent, and she struggled to think and speak in Spanish. I loved it!  She truly loves the people there. So many people are seeking truth, so they have appointments all the time! The members are so good to work with them and make visits with them. She suggested that if we ever have the missionaries over for dinner to ask them to share something they would teach an investigator. She feels like those of us who have grown up with the gospel would benefit from hearing the principles taught that way. The gospel is truth, is light, is everything! I'm grateful my daughter is getting this amazing opportunity to teach others of the one who provides that all, who IS that all, our Savior Jesus Christ. ) Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo  Hermana Campbell

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