Monday, July 1, 2019

Week 14 - Who knows what just happened

Well this week was super good!!!! We have a few people preparring for baptism and we have a lot of potential!!! Heavenly Father wants us to come back to him and for us to be able to do that we must have a testimony! In church the bishop was saying how a lot of the teens say they dont have a strong testimony. He used the analogy of if you have a cake and you know the kid is just going to throw it away you wont give them the cake even if they ask. But if you know they will eat it all then youd be willing to give it to them. Thats Heavenly Father with us, if we ask with faith and the desire to act, he will bless us with the knowlegde we search. If we have no desire to act but ask, He wont give us the answer. My challenge for everyone is to ACT dont be an object be an agent!! Be willing to act on the thoughts you receive!!! I can promise you will receive your answers and you will receive more blessings than you can even imagine!! Well alrighty.. The funniest thing about this week was we had an activity on tuesday with a big book of mormon and we contacted people while they all shopped for fruit! We met this family that was super sweet and so open to hearing about the gospel!! Weplanned a lesson with them for saturday at 12:30 and on saturday we were running a little late and called to reschedule for 1:30 and they said that was perfect! We started walking up the mountain to there house and we see a bunch of people in robes and playing in the street and then we saw a man dressed we think like Jesus playing with the little kids. When they saw us all the kids ran up to us and gave us hugs and said they had been waiting for us for an hour... Guess that was the family. We found the mom and she said they have been waiting and everyone is waiting for us.. what. She starts pushing us to there church behind their house and theres smoke coming out of the building and some really interesting music. I literally felt so uncomfortable. We got out of the big crowd and was able to call the elders to ask was to do because they wanted us to preach to them!!! Which wed love to do but we cant go into their church! We called the elders and decided to teach some of them outside there church. Hna Lovell and I taughttwo lessons. The lesson i taught to these three gentleman started off great and then one started bible bashing me the whole time and told me that i cant use my own words. only the words of the bible. textual only. and then he just went off about how the book of mormon only talks about joseph smith... Ya i just ended up bearing my testimony because you cant bash a testimony, but yet again he just told me i cant use my own words.. I just nodded told them to pray and we left. Hna Lovell had a good lesson with a mom in that group and we have a lesson with her on wednsday!! It was quite an experience!!! Yarina and Tamia are the cutest of sisters and were baptized this week!!! We got to the church an hour early and the font wasnt filled!!! We just found a bunch of trash cans and began filling them up with water and filling the font!! We prayed for help and we were able to fill it in time!! The water was cold but we had water!! Tamia is so cute and so little and the first time her feet flew out of the water!! and the elder baptizing her pronounced her name wrong... so after she had changed and everything she had to go rechange into cold wet clothes becasue we didnt have extra and go back into the cold water!! We gave her cookies to help and one of the members was wearing a white shirt so after the third time she left the water but her foot came up and the witnesses didnt say anything so he gave her his white shirt so she could have dry clothes to help. The fourth time we did it everybody. all the prayers were answered and tamia was baptized!!! The next day she was smiling and happy about it but not during thats for sure... I love you all and thank you for your prayers!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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