Monday, August 5, 2019

Week 19 - Highs and Lows and Ups and Downs!!!

Woah this week flew by and may I say I love where I am and what I am doing. This week was sort of crazy!!! I am learning a ton and holy wow I love it!! Im reading in Alma 43 and I always thought that Alma was just a bunch of war chapters... which is basically true but wow it is full of tons of amazing lessons!! in alma 43 it talks about how the lamanites were prideful and didnt use armor but the nephites prepared and had a ton of armor that protected them from the hits. Well the story goes on and the Lamanites die with one hit and the nephites survive many blows but survive. some die due to the loss of blood. This is us, three type of people. Those who are hit by satan and die or fall away with one blow. Those who dont have any armor or a testimony. Then there are the nephites, those who work and prepare and strengthen there armor or there testimony and when satan attacks, they hurt but they survive and continue forward but after a few more blows they bleed to death and die, or let satan take control of there testimony, and then those who continue perservering and take the hits and continue forward. In this battle that were in right now who are you going to be? Those who let satan win in one blow or continue fighting until Christ comes again? Tuesday : Whohooo we have this family that has a situation that is a bit difficult but they want to wait to be baptized but the kids want to be baptized and we got permission and they were going to be baptized this saturday!!!! (keep reading) Wednsday : Who knew a baptismal interview could take 2 hours and its just becuase the quietest person on the earth likes to talk!! haha we contacted a lot today and climbed a lot of mountains!! thats the high and low and up and down bahaha if you didnt get it.... Thursday : Please never hit the book of mormon. That book is a letter from God to each of us individually and we should take care of it like its our world, because it has all the answers to guide us through this world. ah cherish that book and read it every day!!! Friday : We helped out with a meeting reunion thing for parents that have kids taht will serve missions and wow highly recomend it!!! We need to help people find there testimony, be independent spiritually instead of constantly relying on borrowed light!!!  Saturday!!!!!! SANTIAGO GOT BAPTIZED!!!! He is going to be such a strong member and wow the gospel really is for every one!!! He showed up to his baptism by himself, and we showed up late, go us... but he was so nervous but when he came out of the water you could just see the light in him. It also helps when he really likes a member... But dont worry the coolest thinga bout him was when we saw the change in his testimony, when he started doing things for himself. Sunday : Bryan and Andi the boys that were going to be baptized this saturday didnt attend church so were going to push there baptism a week but aahhhh all is well. Today i think we climbed up a hill and down a hill, the same hill probably 5 times no joke. My legs are going to be so buff. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL AND I LOVE YOU ALL READ ALMA BECAUSE ITS GOLDEN AND NOT ALL ABOUT WARS!!!! HAVE A GOOD WEEK! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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