Monday, July 15, 2019

Week 16 - The Book of Mormon is the best thing in this world

Wooohoooo ANOTHER WEEK OF MIRICALES AND THE LORDS WORK!!!! Monday : We watched the restauracion during a lesson and wow i will always cry watching it. Jose Smith truly is the Profet of God who restored this church. The things he sacrificed for us to have the gospel is beyond words. If you havent watched it GO WATCH IT ITS ON YOUTUBE!!! IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE Tuesday : So the elder that can read souls reallly wants to know my seceret on how to be happy... He then told me that he had a dream where a troll told him my seceret... here it goes, i paint my nails red. Thats what he was told. so there you go friends thats my trick to being happy hahaha. ahh pero the family that is on date for this saturday, ya they now want to get married in the catholic church first and then get baptized.. Wednsday : Wow okay we set a goal to use the book of mormon more in our lessons. Like completely teach our lesson using the book of mormon and wow it is so powerful. you literally can teach everything using that one powerful book. Theres also a new chips ahoy ice cream... i highly recomend it. So good! PLEASE READ THE BOOK OF MORMON EVERY DAY IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!! Thursday : We are teaching a hombre who is so ready to find the joy the gospel brings. We have had a few lessons with him and he reads the book of mormon always and has a bunch of questions too!! He then asks What do i need to do to follow jesus christ? WELL LET ME TELL YA!! Hes so good. Friday : Okay funny story. I can read music and sort of play the piano and so we started helping the youth with the notes they need to hit. Easy right? Then the young womens leader then asks me to play the whole thing so they can sing... i am not that good i can barely play the piano.. Well i tried and then she asked one of the youth to play instead and we just laughed and left.. Wonderful experience. Saturday : WE love the book of mormon. We usually carry palos, sticks to protect us from the dogs but a member who served in guatemala used the book of mormon and so thats what we did and IT WORKED. We legit were surrounded by dogs but the book of mormon was in the middle of us saving us from dying by dogs. Sunday : All of our lessons fell through because there were parties all day long because of a confermation in the catholic church. We were tempted to join the party and just preach to all of them because all of our families we had lessons with were there!! But because of the faling through of our lessons we had time to find a girl named carla and wow she is amazing. She also asked how can she do the 3 things in the intro, Leer Meditar and Orar. well let us give you an overview of the book of mormon. S o good so great and i love this work. No where else id rather be. LEGIT THE BOOK OF MORMON IS THE GREATEST TOOL WE HAVE IN THIS WORLD. USE IT IN EVERYTHING!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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