Monday, July 22, 2019

Week 17 – What a Week Full of Love and Miracles

wow. i love the mission. Not just because Im in ecuador eating really good food all the time and talking to amazing people all the time but because of my purpose. I get to talk to everyone about the only thing in this world that can bring us joy in the worst of situations. I have seen this gospel save families, and bring happiness to the saddest of situations. Ive seen people with no knowledge to read, read the Book of Mormon, the one book that contains all of our answers. I have seen the gospel change lives and it is beautiful. Pues, We had some really good lessons this week and have a lot of great people that are super ready for the gospel!!! I dont really know what to say. This week went by super fast. but here is a lot of what happened in the past 2 days. Saturday we had a baptism for the cutest abuelita in this world!! She barely understands us but the first time she came to church with her granddaughter she said she wanted to be baptized in this church. Saturday comes around and we are filling up the font and the water is so cold and she really wanted warm water so we called everyone we knew and the closest person with keys to the gas tanks to warm the water lives in quito, 1.5 hours away or somwthing like that. We keep filling it up but i said a prayer that the water can be warm so that magdalena can have a baptism that she will remember and love. Literally 5 min later this hermano was outside with keys and fixed the tanks. Not sure who he is and neither does hermana lovell but all i know is that God answers our prayers. He hears everything!!! I then forget our phone in the house and the hermana that was supposed to pick up magdalena wasnt picking her up and Viviana the granddaughter was trying to call us and freaking out and we finally got ahold of her and paid for a taxi to pick them up. But wow as stressful as that was, the moment magdalena came out of the water you could see the pure joy she felt. Such a spiritual experience!!! Also this week we had zone conference and we talked a lot about he love we show people. How that should be our main focus. And let me tell ya, we focused on that the next day and we have someone were teaching that is struggling right now and we just passed by and talked. he didnt want to schedule lessons but we talked about the atonement and how we are here to help them. Never to pressure them but to help them obtain all the blessings god has planned for them. When we were finishing up talking we asked if we could pass by again and you could see the change in him and he accepted. When we show love for the people there hearts will soften and they will feel the love that God has for them. T That is my challenge for all of you. Read Moroni 7 : 45- end of the chapter and pray for charity and act. I love you all and thank you for everything!!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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