Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Week 13 - Inti Raymi

Okay i forgot to mention happy fathers day to all the fathers out there in the world!!! You are all a blessing in our lives and i am so grateful for all of my coaches, teachers, friends who are my parents friends but my friends too and grandpas and uncles and literally every father figure there is!!! As a zone we went to the bus terminals and we went around contacting everyone!! We had people write notes to the dads all over the world and we put the sticky notes on a poster so everyone could see!!! It was super fun and i loved it so much!!!   Something super funny about this week is one of the elders in our district is basically a mind reader and says i am the color blue and he knew i was one of the oldest in my family because i act more like the mom and my comp is the youngest because she is depends on others more and hahaha it was so funny because we looked at eachother and realized how true that is. We ate yogurt and granola all last week and so this week we said we were going to cook something every morning and it ended up being me who cooksevery morning and does more of the mom things and she is more of the child. It was pretty funny honesly.  But tuesday  we have a ton of people progressing but they all stalled like not excited for baptism or the next step and so we prayed to see progression and that day we had 3 citas and the first is familia casasilla and we taught to there needs and doubts and they are ready to find a day to get married!!! Wohoo the next is familia Farinango,they stopped reading the book of mormon and we kept giving them chapters to read and nothing but this vitist they said they started reading the book of mormon again and were listening to it for like an hour!!! they have a date set for the 6th of july!!! the other family, familia bonilla, they want to get baptized in january and that day she asked what happens to those that pass on without the gospel and we shared about temples and the work for the dead and she mentioned that they need to get baptized fast so she can go do her moms work!!! We are praying that they accept a date for july 20!!! Ah all three of these families are so good!! here they have a celebration called inti raymi and it is where they celebrate the sun god and they dance in the streets and everyone is having parties all over the place and they basically throw live chickens around... its super sad and the only part i dont like about it. But with that everyone is super happy and super open to listen and its amazing!! but they are so amazing they plan visits and then when we show up they are out dancing for inti raymi... casi! Pero the ward put together a group to dance with and they went around to all the people we are teaching and danced with them until 1am... dont worry hermana lovell and i only danced in the house and were home by 9 haha. Man i love the mission a lot and it is such an amazing experience to see the change in people and to see how there lives change completely!!! This gospel truly is the happinss we are all looking for and everyone deserves a chance to accept it. Be kind and loving to everyone. Dont judge just love and your life will be so much better. Thats not only a promise from me but from our Heavenly Father. He loves us all and wants the best for all of us!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND PRAY FOR YOU ALWAYS. DONT FORGET TO READ YOUR SCRIPTURES AND TO PRAY AND TO SERVE AND HONESTLY JUST BE A GOOD PERSON.  Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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