Monday, May 27, 2019

Week 9 - Adios Arizona, Hola Ecuador

Hello family and friend!! I love you all so much and am always praying for you! This week was good! I dont have my journal with me so itll be a rough email hahaha.... Tuesday - Friday: everything was so good! the work in Liahona 4 is so good!! we have so many people that are so ready to hear the gospel it is amazing! Tito is going to be giving a poem this next friday for a talent show and boy he is going to do so good!! Tito was going to come to church this past sunday but it was stake conference and it was somewhere else and I gave him the wrong address... whoops on my part i felt super bad. But hopéfully he went this sunday!! Goodbyes were hard this week too but also made me super excited to get to go back in 18 months! I will forever love Arizona and I will forever love the people i met there especially my missionary friends!!!! Saturday : We woke up at 5:50 and was on the plane by 10:00! better to be early than to be late... We flew to Atlanta Georgia and had an hour layover there and met up with the other visa waiters around the states! We then flew for 5 hours to Quito and may i just say i saw the prettiest sunset i have ever seen. I didnt have my camera on had but its kind of better becuase it wouldnt have done it justice. It was beautiful. We landed in ecuador and drove the the Sister Training Leaders house and they dropped me off because i was the only sister. I missed my companion a lot during the day. We walked inside i didnt even know there names and we were asleep.  Sunday : Church was so fun and ECUADOR IS BEAUTIFUL I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS PLACE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. I AM NEVER LEAVING. What a beautiful place. I met my companion today and we are staying in Inaquito for the night to see elder bendar tomorrow and then i head out to San Pablo where they speak Qichua!! Wish me luck! I got to go but wow do i love this place and I have felt the spirit so strong these past few days. I know this church is true and I know that missionary work is so important. Never stop spreading the gospel, and if you dont have it in your life... GO FIND IT. IT WILL BE THE BEST THING YOU HAVE EVER FOUND. Treasure the gospel always and never let it go. its the greatest gift we have ever been given! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

1 comment:

  1. Querida Hermana Campbell: Ud y su compañera se ven muy felices. Siga fuerte, el trabajo del Señor le va a traer dicha y paz.
    Con amor, Sis. Gardner 😘💕
