Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Week 10

Gotta be quick and sorry the keyboard is super hard to type on!! I LOVE ECUADOR Tuesday I got to meet hermana bednar!! she gave me a hug and we got to listen to elder bednar and he is amazing!! We learned a lot about how we should teach and it is definetly by the spirti! the spirit is the teacher and we are the instruments. It was super powerful and amazing!  Wed we finally got to my sector!! Im in san pablo and we get to hike to our lessons!!! so FUN I LOVE IT EXCEPT THE ELEVATION CHANGE!!! the food is so good too!! wow i love this place the rest of the week was a lot of contacting and a lot of lessons and a lot of pigs... there are a ton here. But wow i love the mission so much. The families we are teaching are great and so ready for the gospel. We went on a run the other morning and got lost but wow it is beautiful... yeah so sorry next week i will be better but I love you all and i am praying for you all!!! continue being amazing and ill talk to you all soon!!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo hermana campbell

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