Monday, May 20, 2019

Week 8 - Cow Stomach and Cow Hoove

Wednesday : We had district council and hahaha I serve with some of the funniest people ever. But we ate with our friend Julia and she fed us Menudo.... it's the stomach liner of the cow so it has all the muscle on it and then cow hoove looks like a grape without its skin, moves like jello, and then tastes like fat. Elder Christiansen dry heaved a few times, Elder Worley ate the whole thing and Hermana Jenkins ate a few bites. I ate half of it hahaha it was so weird and kinda good but kinda gross. Moises is doing so good! He is killing it in his trucking classes but hes so stressed but hes working on getting the priesthood and then we can go to the temple with him!! Thursday : today we found Jesus!! The managers in the trailer park help us out a lot and we had a Jesus Amondero that was a referral but it didn't have a trailer number. So the manager lady searched and searched and we found a Jesus Camondero! So we went to his house and hadn't been able to find him but his mom said "were catholic and jesus is catholic but you can come back at 1 on Thursday" so that's what we did and HE WAS THERE! but then he had work so we scheduled to come back Friday at 10. Friday : we went to Jesus's and he didn't answer. All our appointments fell through that day but hey that's alright we had a busy day full of choir practice and weekly planning and good times as a missionary! Woot woot! Saturday : we had exchanges today and I was laughing basically all day. Don't worry I'm good at controlling my laughing when were in lessons and finding people. I was with Hermana Johnson and we walked a lot and found a few people but THEYRE BASICALLY ALL ENGLISH. WHY CANT YOU SPEAK SPANISH?? Well the one I'm referring to she speaks both but get this... were talking with her uncle who's holding her cute baby and he had met with the missionaries before but doesn't have a desire to live it and as were talking to him, the babies mom comes up and listens and then after we finish talking to the uncle she goes "what church are you from" and we introduced ourselves and what we do and she goes "I've just had this hole in my heart and nothing in the world can fill it. I've been going to different churches trying to fill it but I haven't found the right one and I feel like yours is what I'm looking for" HERMANA WE HAVE THAT FOR YOU OH MY WE CAN HELP YOU FILL THAT HOLE!! she then goes "wait do you speak english?" Hahaha HOW COOL IS THAT. She thought we didn't speak English. Hahaha it made us feel pretty good about our Spanish. But she prefers english... so that's sad because I really enjoyed talking to her. As long as she gets the gospel I will had her to any missionary! She has had such a crazy life but it's amazing how strong her testimony already is. I then got to drive for the first time in 6 weeks and hit a curb and almost got backed in to... oh boy . hermana Campbell is done driving for a bit! Sunday : we had stake conference today and holy whack I feel bad for translators! They struggled getting it sounding good and so it was sort of a mess... like my English, so sorry. At one point the translator goes "so sorry I don't know what these words are" and we just sat in silence hahaha it was alright. We then had a Charla Fogonera (fireside) and we sang and it was so cute and I love seeing all our cute friends and all of the missionaries in my zone! It's like a family reunion and it's just so fun! VISA UPDATE : I am sitting in the Consulate office waiting for my Visa papers! My mission president wants us quito north missionaries in quito on Saturday so.... there is a great possibility that I will be in Ecuador in 5 days! Ahhh it's crazy I'm stressing but relaxed and excited and pumped and scared and woah all of the emotions! I've been reading in 1 nephi chapter 20-21 and they're Isaiah chapters and woah pray for me Haha but I read chapter 20:21 and it made perfect sense! Not sure if it's actually what it means but it talks about how even when we are in the desert, we won't have thirst or hunger. And that's what this gospel provides! We may not actually be in a desert but no matter what "desert" were in in life, the gospel can fill us up. Make us whole and that comes from the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. He gave everything he had for us and because of that we can always find joy and peace no matter where we are. We can find whatever we are looking for in the book of mormon. This gospel is everything we need! Ahh it's so amazing and I challenge you all to pray for help directly to Heavenly Father and then find the gospel in your life and take hold of it and never let it go!! You are all amazing and I LOVE YOU ALL HAVE SUCH AN AMAZING WEEK!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell <3

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