Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Week 7 - What a week...

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS AND WOMEN OUT THERE! On Sunday in relief society a sister shared a dream she had. All of a sudden the world started to shake and things were breaking and falling and everyone was running everywhere. She was told to go to the mountain and anyone who believed in Christ was running to the mountain and everyone who doesn't have the gospel were lost and scared. Before she went to the mountain she was frantically looking for her children but couldn't find them. She ran into the primary president who then told her that all the kids were heading to the mountain and they were safe! After she told her dream it really made me appreciate all the wonderful mother figures that I have had in my life at school at church at work and in all aspects of my life. I have been so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life who have watched out for me and helped me become who I am. I want all you mothers to know that you are doing amazing. Life gets crazy and we have our agency but we will never forget what we learn from our mothers. It will be something we will have for the rest of our lives. SO THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE ALL AMAZING! Tuesday : we had a teaching academy class that was super fun and I got to see all my mtc buddies that I flew with! Then hermana Jenkins and I felt like death and we ended up going to the doctor for strep but it came back negative but we both felt really bleh... but we finished the day strong and Daniela is on date for baptism!! She mentioned how at peace and happy she felt after she chose her date! Were so happy for her!!  Wednesday : well this day was fun... quick recap - I woke up at 2:30am that night and wasnt back in bed until 5:00am. Those hours consisted of a migraine and the bathroom hehehe enjoy. Then I woke up, went back to sleep, then got a blessing from the Zone Leaders (so grateful for the priesthood) then took medicine and slept all day. Literally. I was probably awake for 3-4 hours total... BUT IM OKAY Thursday : we took this day pretty slow... we took a few naps in between studies and went to the lessons we had planned but for the most part we stayed inside.. no fever or headache or super sickness this day so that was a blessing! Friday : We woke up at got outside for exercise! We took a nice walk, came home and got ready, went to lunch with the people we live with and then when we got home we died. Hahaha both of us felt miserable and so we took a cute lil nap and felt better and went to our lessons that night and they went great!! Saturday : WERE BACKISH.... Haha today we are mostly back to normal and worked out and walked around and had a good day! We were walking around this neighborhood and weren't really finding anyone and then we saw our cute friends melanie and Madison who are 6 and 7 years old but love the missionaries! Neither of there families are interested but Madison ended up walking around with us and wanted to talk to people so she would walk up to a house and say "these people speak spanish" then she'd walkto the door and knock, they'd open and then she'd look at us because she doesn't speak Spanish! Hahaha it was so cute! We found a really solid guy but he's English and already meeting with the English elders but it was super fun! Good day overall! Sunday : mothers day!! I loved getting to talk to my family and celebrate mothers! We gave Kim some chocolates for mothers day and she loved them! She was so cute about it.. shes never had kids and never housed sister missionaries... only elders and she didn't want sisters but she loves us.. hahaha!   Monday : basically a normal day as a missionary which consisted of tracting, studying, lessons, and 12 children following us around.. okay not 12 but quite a few. We had a cute bike gang that went around contacting with us and then we ended up teaching them all the plan of salvation with chalk before our lesson! Lloxi and Dana are on date for September 27! We like to plan ahead Haha Lloxi wants it sooner so we'll see where she's at when everything is taught and hopefully move that up for her!  Today we got to go to the temple and it was so good! I'm so grateful for temples and for the opportunity I had to go here in arizona!  VISA UPDATE : Us Visa waiters are meeting with the consulate next week and our mission president in Quito North wants us there on the 25th of May! So it's a little bittersweet but I am down to 11 days here in Mesa and it's been the best first transfer ever and I'm so grateful for this experience! I'll give you for sures on everything next week!  I love you all so much and I love the support and prayers you give me! You're all amazing and have a great week!!  Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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