Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Week 6 - Baptism in a POOL!!!

What a week! I hope everyone has had such an amazing week! This week flew by!!  Tuesday : hahahaha I'm brilliant. Not really but I decided i want a little book to write all my favorite scriptures in so I made my "good scripture book" and let me tell ya it's kind of fun hahahaha I've added good quotes too but its still my good scripture book. So I think I told you guys about Moises but HES GETTING BAPTIZED! Hes this 440lbs man that rides a Harley and has the craziest past but has the sweetest heart! We also prayed that we could find people to find in white shirts and when we started tracting legit the first 3 people we saw were wearing white shirts. So we talked to them all and this one gentleman locked himself out of the house but also asked for our names 3 times.... we ended up giving him a book of mormon and read with him bc he didn't havehis glasses either.. we haven't heard from him but it was a fun experience hahaha  Wednesday : we had a day full of lessons but some fell through and so we decided to go by a referral and found this lady named Cleo on the phone who motioned for us to come over. She ended up getting off the phone and just ranted to us about her day and everything going on in her life. We then shared a scripture with her and tried to give her a book of mormon but she wanted it in english... which we had in the car. she wanted us to come back and help her son find friends but we haven't been able to find her again... were still trying with her... I'll keep you updated  Thursday: we taught this 8 year old girl named Jackie and shes going to get baptized in July or August! And her family is coming back to church which is so good! We then taught this cute family and they're also working towards picking a date for there baptism. We've taught them everything they're just want to be ready for such a big commitment. We had this referral from Phoenix and when we got to there trailer and they welcomed us and gave us fruit and we had such an incredible lesson and Lloxi the mom is just waiting on a few things so she can get baptized and the daughter is already going around telling people she's getting baptized and shes a member!! The dad is a member already we just have to work with them on a few things but they're so cute and such a blessing! They also gave us half a watermelon!! It was such a good day honestly hna Jenkins and I were so grateful that day for all the miracles and blessing that we had throughout the day!  Friday : we had zone conference today and it was so good!! I got to see my elders from the MTC who are also Visa waiting with me and it was so good! They're honestly like family. The conference was so motivational and i got a lot to work on!  Saturday : we had a lesson with Daniela and she picked a date for her baptism!! After she picked the day she said she felt happy and a lot more peace! I'm so happy for her!! Oh earlier that day as well we were walking and said hi to these two gentleman working on a chair and said hi to them and they invited us over and we told them who we were and they were so interested in our message! We shared a scripture with them and gave them a book of mormon and invited them to church! And a return appointment! SO GOOD!! TODAY IS THE DAY OUR BIG (440lbs) GUY MOISES IS BAPTIZED! we found a members pool where moises and 3 guys baptized him (we only needed 2) but moises said it was the best day of his life and hes so happy!! So many people came to support him (or see someone be baptized in a pool) but hes such a "good dawg"!  Sunday : Lloxi and Luis came to church!! Nilberto and Tito didn't come to church but we went to there house after and they got busy with mechanic stuff.. anyway we Tito was super sad he didn't come to church when we explained what we did at church and said he only read a little of the book of mormon... HE READ UNTIL 1 NEFI 13! Just a little! We had such an amazing lesson with him and were taking him on a chapel tour this Tuesday so he can feel more comfortable at church! Ahhhhhh hes so cool and so open to learning! We had another lesson with Lloxi and Dana and it was such a good lesson and they also are so open to learning!! God is so good and is leading this work! Its amazing!  wow this week was a crazy one but full of miracles and good stuff! I can definitely feel all your prayers and can feel Gods hand in this work! I've never been this happy and this tired hahahahaha it's such an amazing experience to be so full of energy and enthusiasm for the work and then as soon as you get inside at the end of the day you feel so ready for bed. Hahah it's so good and I wouldn't want it any other way! I love this work and I love my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ! The gospel truly changes lives for the better and you're never too far off the path. Always thank the Lord and find the good in your life because He's blessing you always. I love you all and have an amazing week!!  Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo!  Hermana Campbell 

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