Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Week 5 - Mesa

Well everybody I made it to Mesa and I'm loving it here! Heat and all! I'm loving the Spanish and they feed us so much!! We're not completely sure what the Visa situation is but we're thinking about 2 transfers which is 12 weeks so I'll keep you updated with that! Sunday : Easterrrrrrrr I LOVE THIS HOLIDAY SO MUCH! I got to speak and pack. Hahaha this day was full of devotionals and packing... I can't really remember what happened. Hahahaha cool.  Monday : this day was also full of packing and making sure I was ready to leave. It was also super sad saying goodbye to teachers and my zone but it was super fun! We got to help other districts with Spanish and lessons and fake investigators and it was a blast! Tuesday: this day started at 5:30 and my cute companions dropped me off and we got on the train to the airplane. We got to talk to actual people on the train and it got us super excited! When we were landing I just felt this overwhelming feeling of this is where i need to be right now. I just had so much love in my heart and so much gratitude ahhhhhh but then the day turned super long hahahaha we had such a long meeting BUT I MET MY COMPANION and she's so cute and so fun! She went to Centennial jr for a few years and then moved but her names hermana Jenkins! We went to a member dinner and we pulled up and she goes oh by the way were sharing the dinner thought. So we then ate with the other 4 elders in our ward and we shared the message and it went well!  Wednesday : another 8 hour meeting day (: they gave us lunch which was nice. Hahaha we had a lesson and a dinner with the couple were living with. Kim and Jack are Lutherans and have been having elders live with them for years and were the first set of sisters she's had and when we asked why she was okay with sisters now she replied with "oh I didn't want sisters they forced it on me" she now says were not that bad and she really likes us so that's good! Hahaha but she took us to dinner and the initiation into her house was we had to eat the hottest wings and holy my mouth does not handle hot foods well at all. Well I ate it and holy it was SO HOT I WAS DYING. Our stomachs were not happy with us that night. it was so funny though and Kim loved it  Thursday : today was spent cleaning my companions old apartment and teaching English and teaching Moises who's getting baptized Saturday and he could really use all your prayers!! He's so cool!  Friday : this day was pretty chaotic. This whole week was kind of crazy and we were running everywhere it was kinda a lot. Today I realized I have a fear. I'm paranoid when walking around places I don't know at night and walking up to doors is kind of scary but I do not want to be scared so I prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help comfort me and give me confidence andddddd Saturday : I WASNT SCARED OR NERVOUS ONCE. I know it sounds silly but I am so so happy that I can not have to worry about being scared. Hahahaha okay but this day was crazy!! Rigo got baptized!! We planned everything basically Friday and it was a little stressful but we did it and it was so good!  Sunday : I spoke in sacrament and it went well and we spent a lot of the day contacting and not finding but it was such a good day!  Sorry the first days I am really into typing and then by the end I kind of get bored and don't know what to say. So I'm sorry I'll work on it hahahaha I love you all and thank you for all the prayers! Talk to you all in a week! Fe on Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo  Hermana Campbell

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