Saturday, April 6, 2019

Week 2

YIKES EVERYBODY THIS IS AMAZING!!! I swear I haven't been here two weeks but also I feel like I've been here for ages... Not sure how that works but I'll let you figure it out! hehe I hope everyone had such a good week because, wow, I sure did and I probably will mess up the days but I will do my best to explain how my week went! SUNDAY : We had fast Sunday because of CONFERENCE WOOT WOOT and that was such an amazing experience. There are so many amazing people that have such strong testimonies and holy it's amazing. Sorry this is all just so incredible and I don't have words to explain it but I'm gonna do my best. We had Relief Society and then a lot of other classes with our Branch Presidency. Which the Branch Presidency have some incredible wives that visit our rooms when there at the MTC and will give us hugs goodnight and talk with us. They're so sweet and so special.  MONDAY : We met our investigator for our TRC (training resource center) lesson. Which is basically an member/nonmember who is paid to be an investigator. So we met a few of those people including the friend that we get to teach. We then had class and food and Spanish and ya know I don't really remember.  TUESDAY : I don't remember what I did Tuesday. For real all the days blend together but it was pretty normal day here at the CCM. I broke the record for the most freethrows made consecutively which was pretty cool! It's only 15 but I'm gonna keep trying to get more.. I love exercise time. I love every time we have anything honestly.  WEDNESDAY : Alrighty. This day is one of my most favorite days ever. IT'S ICE CREAM DAYYYYYYY Every wednesday and sunday they serve real ice cream and let me tell ya, it's a good day here at the CCM.  THURSDAY : We had our first TRC lesson and woah it was a bit disappointing. I wasn't completely on board with the lesson we chose and because I wasn't 100% in tune with the lesson, so I wasn't 100% in tune with my companion and that means I was not 100% in tune with the Spirit. The lesson itself was a good lesson but we taught a lesson instead of a person. After a bit of blehness Hermana Roberts and I stayed after and talked with our teacher about how we can be more in tune with each other, which it was incredible and I learned a lot from that lesson. We then had a really good day and got to know each other a lot more and planned a great lesson for Friday. Still though the day was so good and I wouldn't change it for anything.  FRIDAY : Second TRC and it went so much better! Our friend (Desiree) opened up so much more and we had a really good lesson! Literally probably one of my most favorite days here at the CCM. We laughed SO MUCH! We had the opportunity to give a tour here at the CCM for some nonmembers and it was very cool to share our testimony with them and talk to the MTC President and his wife about missions and the gospel. Such a good experience. We got our flight plans for when we leave here and pray that my visa comesthrough so I get to be on those flights to Quito! Our poor teacher Hermano Barclay had to try and teach with all our meneos (wiggles). Don't worry he was laughing too, and we had a very good lesson. It was such a good preparation day for Conference. Conference today was absolutely incredible. The Spirit was so strong and I felt so much joy and comfort. I encourage all of you to go and watch, read, or listen to the talks that were given today! You can find them or in the Gospel Library App hopefully tomorrow! Go check them out!! They give some incredible guidance as to how to better our lives and become closer to Jesus Christ and His gospel. We have a lot of work to do, but we are told that as we begin to grow closer to Jesus Christ and His Atonement and have a desire to live it, we will be blessed with the strength and the needs to do it. I also challenge all of you to search up Christlike attributes and choose one to really focus on each month! As we become more like Christ, His light will shine brighter in ourselves, and we will have more opportunities to spread the gospel and sharethe light that is blessing your life. I know that as we work to become more like Christ, He will bless our lives and the lives of those we love. He will give you opportunities and blessings that you can't even begin to imagine.  I love you all so very much and I can feel your prayers! Keep serving, loving, and being amazing! Have such a good week, and find the good in everyday! IT'S THERE! TE AMO, Hermana Campbell

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