Monday, April 22, 2019

Week 4 - MTC Super Seniors???

I hope everyone had such a fantastic week!! I leave for Arizona on Tuesday at 6:15 and you best believe I am SO EXCITED!!!! Not sure how I'm going to handle the sun because I'm getting burnt in this 70 degree utah weather... SO that's exciting!! Anyway this week flew and was such a good one!! Probably the best one yet! Sunday : This day was great because we got to have the sacrament and have a bunch of amazing church classes! Hermana Roberts and I taught Relief Society and I think it went pretty well. Us hermanas (Almonte Wangsgard Roberts y yo) sang "mas cerca Dios a ti" and it was great until I couldn't hit the high note and just didn't look at anyone. bahaha it wasn't bad. Later that night we had a music group come and perform Lamb of God and wow I was in tears and was feeling the Spirit so strong. I came out of thatdevotional with such a desire to know God and Jesus Christ, and I encourage all of you to really search for a knowledge of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Especially with Easter being this Sunday! Really pray and search the Book of Mormon for a knowledgeand testimony of the ones who love us most. It will change your view of the world and of yourself I promise.  Monday : Well this day was sad. My companion, Hermana Roberts, left to Spain with Hermana Wangsgard. The rest of the day was spent in class and helping hermana Almonte get packed for her departure and that was an adventure in itself... hahaha Island missions don't allow you to take multiple checked suitcases and for an Hermana with mucho clothes.... it was an adventure. OH and I went with the elders who are MTC Super Seniors with me, to the TRC building to get the week figured out and I ended up teaching a lady named Ana solo and it went so well! She is incredible.  Tuesday : Yikes. Tuesday started at 3am getting Hermana Almonte out the door and to the travel office. We got to the travel office and I realized I had grabbed her key card instead of mine which meant I did not have a key to get back into my room... and all my roommates are gone. So after a few early morning goodbye/frustration tears and fallen I was able to get a key to my room and by 4am I was back in bed asleep. Waking up alone was actually quite sad and I didn't like it but I ended up having such an amazinglesson with Ana and having great classes with the Elders... MY NEW DISTRICT! They adopted me into there district and I switched rooms so I'm not by myself anymore don't worry(: The devotional tonight talked a lot about using the Book of Mormon in EVERY LESSON and I'll go further and say EVERY DAY. This is not just any book. this book has literally EVERY THING you need. It gives comfort, love, guidance, knowledge, stories, testimonies, literally everything. If you aren't reading the Book of Mormon everyday, I encourage you all to start. Even one verse a day will start to change your life.  Wednesday : Ana accepted baptism!! Legit everyone, she's teaching me. It's amazing. Ether 12:27 "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." Heavenly Father doesn't expect us to be perfect. He has given us weaknesses to help us grow and become stronger. Never feel like you aren't good enough for anything this life has to offer. God is right there with you helping you grow. If He allows you to fall, which He will, He will give you the strength you need to get back up. This day was such an amazing day and my testimony grew a ton. Thursday : Wellllllll today I broke the record for the most consecutive freethrows for las hermanas. 26 in a row. thank you thank you. hahaha It was fun. Following the Elders around this week hasn't been too bad until today and I felt like a little sister trying to keep up with my older siblings. bahaha it wasn't that bad. We got to help in a workshop and be actors for an hour and that was super fun but other than that pretty much a normal day.  Friday : AHHHHH SUCH A COOL DAY so long story short there was this kid in my school class that would walk home with me and help me with my math homework and his name was spencer. Half way through elementary school he moved and I hadn't seen him since.UNTIL HERE AT THE CCM. I asked him what elementary school he went to (after explaining that this might sound weird) and then he said "Sand Springs... no way Ashlyn?!" and then we talked for a minute we shook hands and then took a picture. So enjoy! hahaha it was so good seeing him! I actually have seen lots of friends from utah and nevada and IT'S SO FUN! Today was my last TRC with Ana and I actually cried after because wow she's amazing. I don't know how else to explain it.  Saturday : Today we got to go to the temple. My favorite place ever and I'm sad it might be my last time in the temple for 1.5 years. We'll pray for a temple trip in AZ!  This week has by far been the hardest but most rewarding weeks on my mission and wow I am truly blessed with so many prayers and people in my life so THANK YOU!! I can't thank you enough for all the support!! It truly means a lot! I love you all and being a MTC Super Senior was way worth it!! I love you all!! Fe en Dios, incluye fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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