Saturday, April 13, 2019

Week 3 - Mesa, Arizona Here I Come

Hola mis mejores amigos!!! Como estan??? Okay to start off some of you may already know and some may not but, I have been temporarily reassigned to MESA ARIZONA!! My visa has not yet come and I need to go learn a few things in Mesa before I head to Ecuador! I also get to spend another week here in the MTC! Ill talk a bit more about this later so stay tuned (; Sunday : Conference was absolutely incredible and Saturday night we had a special Sister Meeting during Priesthood Session and Sis Dalton came and spoke to us! I got to meet her afterwards as well! She talked a lot about how although she has been released her calling has not changed and how we can continue to be missionaries and living this life after we return home. It was a pretty special meeting.  Monday : This day. Yikes. We received our flight plans for Ecuador last week and it got me so excited for Ecuador. Still not sure what was going on with our Visa's we got our hopes up. Bad idea. We then realized all our missionary portals had changed to Arizona and it took me by surprise, I also found out 5 minutes after I found out we had to put our dog down because of a tumor in his stomach... Let's just say the timing was right on point but I got up and wanted to truly wanted to be happy. But lets just say it was a day. Tuesday : BEST DAY EVER. I had come to terms with Arizona and don't get me wrong, I am very excited to go to Arizona, I was just a bit taken back and idk how to explain it because I have faith in the Lord but yeah I won't try and explain how my mind wasworking that day. Anyway we had a devotional tonight and Brother and Sister Cordon came and spoke! She spoke about companions and then "The Lord is in charge, He knows me." and "Have faith n the Lord Jesus Christ; He sent me where I need to be." We then sangpeace in christ and wowzers I was balling that whole devotional. Then it was down pouring outside and yeah Heavenly Father loves me and it was just incredible. I explained that whole thing just to say I AM SO EXCITED TO GO TO ARIZONA AND I CAN NOT WAIT! Wednesday - Friday : They were all pretty normal. I learn some incredible things everyday like holy this Gospel is amazing. I also realize that I can't say no to ice cream. It's just so good. Our friend from TRC accepted to be baptized and I have learned a lot from those practice/real lessons we've taught! My poor teacher also doesn't know what to do with us. We have so much energy at night (slap happy) and so we started singing and doing "Cabeza, Cara, Hombros, Pies" Head shoulders knees and toes bascially. It's so funny and he enjoys it too. Ill include a picture of us doing our dance... HAHAHAHA I love you all and KEEP BEING AMAZING! There is no time then right now to share the gospel with anyone and everyone! This work is amazing and everyone could use a little more happiness and joy in there life. No matter what you're going through I know that God is right there just waiting for you to ask.  One of my favorite quotes from conference is "Gods love is immediate. Never Question it." Elder Kyle S. McKay Fe en Dios, incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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