Sunday, February 2, 2020

Week 44 - Elder Holland Read my Soul

Once again this week flew. I swear i was just in this cyber sitting in this chair typing with a keyboard that doesnt have aspace bar that works the best. so just hold on and have fun unscrambling my email. BUT ahhhhhhhh ELDER HOLLAND CAME TO THE GRANDMISSION ECUADOR QUITO NORTE. AND MAY I JUST SAY I DIDNT WANT HIM TO STOP TALKING. and the phrase i would love to share with you all today is one line that hitme so hard. and it is this I DID NOT COME THIS FAR TO ONLY COME THIS FAR. how many of us have said the sentence. "nope, not today, i just cant" because i sure have whether its working out,reading a book, doing chores, homework, lo que sea. and that sentence has entered into my head a lot duringthe mission. *someone walking in front of us *my thoughts " do i talk to her or do i not? shes walking fast if i walk slower then i wont catch up to her.... she probably doesnt even want to listen..." now i will share a story with you all. this happened a few weeks ago, we were walking and there was a lady with her two kids, she was actually walking slow and in my head i was like contact her.... or walk faster please... satan won that time and we decided to cross the road so we could "get to our destination" as we began to cross,guess who crossed as well, Good thing God is merciful. I then looked at my companion and was like alright lets contact her, and my companion replied with "i dont want to" well guess what we did, we started a conversation with her and she invited us inside her home and we were able to share a message with not just her but her wholefamily. Okay now going back to the beginning. How many miracle situations like that have we missed in life because "i dont want to"? Well everybody i think we should take a moment and think about what this returnedmissionary said to elder holland "i did not come this far to only come this far" when we let our thoughts override the spirit we are settling with what we are in the moment. But sorry to break it to ya,we are not here on this earth to be fine with where we are at. now dont take that the wrong way, each and every one of you are in anincredible place in your life and you are all doing great! BUT YOU CAN BE SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!! Its a process. it has to be because we are continually progressing, andif we arent progressing, then we are degressing. i dont think thats a word. but its fine. i think you get the point. We chose our destiny, we chose whether we will live in a state of unconditional happiness or if we are goingto live in eternity looking back and saying to ourselves "i couldve done more" We are on this earth to improve daily. to be better in every situation and to be disciplesof Christ our whole lives. Not for a day or for 1.5 years or for 2 years. We are chosen to be disciples of Christ for eternity. As elder Holland said to us "We want you forever" We are chosen for the eternity not for a minute. and we are not chosen randomly we are chosen by our LOVING FATHER IN HEAVEN WHO KNOWS OUR POTENTIAL. YOU ALL HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO BE GODS AND GODDESSES SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT SETTLE TO BE LESS. REACH YOUR POTENTIAL, END EVERYDAY WITH A SMILEON YOUR FACE KNOWING YOU ARE WHO YOU CAN BE AND WHO GOD WANTS YOU TO BE. I could say more and i want to replay that day so all of you can hear it but i just want you all to know that i know with all of my heart that you are a child of God. That you have a spirit that is just so incredibly special and important to our Father in Heaven. He knows you and He knows what you are going through and He will lift you up.But you have to ask. You are and can become so much. But its not a cheap experience "Salvation is not a cheap experience" But it is worth it and you are on the right path to reach it. Never give up, Never feel like you are not enough becuase i am here to tell you, God doesnt want perfect, He wants YOU. So go to work, be His disciple and make Him even more proud of you. You are incredible and I love you with all of my heart and pray for you always. Have such an amazing week and i know ahhhhhh I JUST WISH I COULD SCREAM IT TO EVERYBODY but I know that this Church is the Church of Jesus Christ. This church was restored by Joseph Smith, a joven that had one question but had a desire. and I promise you all that you too can recieve an answer to any one of your prayers if you do as he did, and pray with all your heart might mind and strength.  HAVE SUCH AN AMAZING WEEK WOHOOO THIS LIFE IS THE BEST LIFE  I did not come this far, to only come this far.  Hermana Campbell

1 comment:

  1. Love this girl!! You're amazing Ashlyn. I wish I had your stamina! Lol Elder Holland is one of my faves, not gonna lie. Wears his heart on his sleeve. I like that! My parallel opposite. Haha. Keep up the good work Hermana.I have a friend named Jill Bean. They are in Utah. Lots of love from Nevada. Ps bugs? Eww. I'll starve. Lol
    Much love, Sis Byington
