Saturday, January 25, 2020

Week 43

WOAH WHAT A WEEK. my father says time doesnt change but that is a lie. Here in the mission it flies faster than a really fast bird. especially when your companion for the day (we were on exchanges where we swap companions for a day) PASSES OUT ON YOU WHEN YOU ARE GETTING YOUR BLOOD DRAWN. WHAT it was actually kind of funny after it happened. Dont you all worry we are all okay. hahahaha i love the mission. We finally got keys to our apartment and no longer cool crazy missionary ninjas. Although we will always be cool crazy missionary ninjas. This week was honestly just incredible i dont know how to express to you all how incredible the mission really is. You get to experience things that you would never experience in your day to day life. But something that we all can understand and experience is our personal conversion. How many of you feel confident that if Christ came today you could look at him in the eyes and tell him you gave your whole heart to his work here on earth and to spreading his gospel? showing love to your brothers and sisters in every moment, and giving all you have to him? I know that before the mission i probably wouldve felt ashamed. I wouldve wanted to hide like adam and eve did in the garden. and why? I was a good person, i attended church and shared my smile, i went to the temple, but i missed a very big and important part which is my testimony. My foundation. The actions are incredible but the actions lead to something. and if we never notice the change that is happening due to our actions, we are acting in vane. Notice the feelings you get when you are doing service, when you share with others, when you take the sacrament each week, and as you study diligently the scriptures. That has changed my life completley. Noticing the little things in my life that change due to the actions i am doing day to day. And as we notice the change we will all be able to say to Jesus Christ when he comes again that we did our best. WE GAVE ALL WE COULD AND WE LOVED IT. BECAUSE PEOPLE THIS CHURCH IS TRUE. I HAVE NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT. It is so incredible. Accept the gospel, have faith, and move forward every day. Be a better you every single day and God will work miracles through you. I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH AND HAVE AN INCREDIBLE WEEK!!!!!! LOTS OF LOVE COMING FROM ECUADOR TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU IN ALL THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD. HERMANA CAMPBELL

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