Saturday, February 8, 2020

Week 45

Week 45 February 4, 2020 Okay i really am struggling to remember what happened this week. But what i do know is it was such a great week!!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE MISSION!!!!! OH but like every missionary says and a lot have said it this week, not everything is sunshine and rainbows. We do have our rough days and this week i had a few of those. but whats so incredible is those things dont stay with us. As we serve the Lord and give Him our all He helps us overcome whatever we are going through. We saw so many miracles this week and we continue to see them as we continue working the work of the Lord. But sometimes we get stressed. To the point its hard to sleep and thats normal. sometimes. not for everybody but for me its a sometimes. I just got done talking to my father about this but sometimes we forget why we do things. We think it all depends on us. We think we have to do everything and if we dont we are horrible and not completing our purpose. Actually thats not how it works. this work is not ours. this is the work of the Lord. We are literally only instruments in his hands. We are in charge of opening our mouths, walking up to people, initiating the conversation but Heavenly Father is in charge of the other things. AS we begin he takes over. He completes what we cant do. OH wow god is good, as i was reading today about the spirit it really hit me that every story in the book of mormon where they have an encounter with angels or are hit really hard with the spirit they are exhausted or lose there strength and then i read in moses 1:10' i believe and it mentions that man is nothing. rough right? well not really, man is nothing but man with God is everything. Our bodies as humans can not handle the power of the spirit, but as we have God by our side lifting us up we have everything and we can handle everything that comes our way. so there is no need to be stressed because everything that happens, if we are working, is how god wants it to be. another thought this week from my studies, in DyC 6 it mentions that Christ is the Light and satan is the darkness. It mentions that the darkness does not comprehend the light. well i thought a little more into that. As we continue to become more like christ, we have more of the light of christ in our countenance, idk, and as we become closer to Christ, satan tries harder, why? because the closer we become to Christ the harder it is for satan to comprehend us and our weaknesses. We become the light of Christ and the darkness does not understand the light. My invitation for each and every one of you this week is to brighten your light! Make it harder for the adversary to enter into your heart. Fight always and continue to do the little things that make us unconditionally happy!!!! I am praying for you guys always and love each and every one of you!!!!! CONTINUE TO BE THE LIGHT IN THIS DARK WORLD!!!!!! FE EN DIOS INCLUYE FE EN SU TIEMPO HERMANA CAMPBELL

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