Friday, February 21, 2020

Week 47

WOHOOOOO ANOTHER INCREDIBLE CRAZY FILLED SPIRIT FILLED WEEK! Okay from day one i have always loved the tree of life and this week i got ot study it again!!!!! and this timesomething else caught my eye. As lehi begins his dream he sees a man in a white manto... not sure what the translation is but he begins to follow him through the dark and dreary desert. That is us. As we learn about the gospel we begin to follow christ through this dark world. But just like lehi if we only follow we begin to be scarred and we fall. But we learn from Lehi, he beganto pray,pleading for help and thats when he received help and that is when we receive help as well.When we act. When we pray, read, go to chruch, as we do little things are lives begin to change and although we are walking in a darkening world,we begin to be strengthened through the atonement of jesus christ. The only one capable of savingus.  SORRY NOT MUCH TIME TODAY BUT I LOVE YOU ALL AND HAVE AN INCREDIBLE WEEK!!!!  Hermana Campbell

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