Thursday, January 9, 2020

Week 41

What a week. First of all, FELIZ AÑO NUEVO WOOOHOOOOOO This week was such a good week! Such a good start to the new year!!! And let me tell ya, i have learned so so much here in the mission and even more just being here in Calderon! I have never met so many people so ready to hear the gospel! Lets just say this week was something special. 1. I was able to finish the book of mormon for the first time in spanish and wow spanish, english, french, etc., it does not matter, the book of mormon is the most powerful book i have ever read in my life and as i begin to read it again it just oof makes me feel so good inside. Literally i love promising to all the people we meet and teach that this book is not just any book, but the answer to all of our questions. The map to our happiness and salvation. Now i talked about the book of mormon in my last email, but we can never talk enough about it! But mas que todo, i would like to hit a point that we talked about at church. A cute hermana mentioned that only missionaries have the authority to give away a book of mormon, and i would just like to clarify that for anyone who is confused. We as members are called of God to teach and preach anyone who will listen. If spreading the gospel and giving copies of the book of mormon was only for missionaries, oof there would be no converts. Very little would know about the book of mormon. Us as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have the calling to share the gospel with everyone. With a plaque or without. but as someone with a plaque in this moment, i am here to tell you that those without plaques are just as powerful if not more powerful. We come and go, you are here for a lot longer, you are here to help each member of the church endure to the end. As we learn to be a missionary in every moment, not only will we strengthen others testimony but you will also strengthen your own and as this world gets harder and harder to live in, you will be stronger and ready to fight against satan. Helaman 12:5 as we build our lives on the gospel of jesus christ, we will be able to withstand whatever trial that comes our way! THIS GOSPEL IS OUR PROTECTION AND THIS WORLD IS A BATTLE GROUND. DONT WALK INTO WAR WITHOUT PROTECTION LEARN OF THE GOSPEL AND LIVE THE GOSPEL AND I PROMISE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO WITHSTAND WHATEVER COMES YOUR WAY. Now onto the chistes of the week, 1. we got the flu shot this week and i almost cried. but im okay dont worry 2. 2 very kind boys asked for our number and wanted to go on a date with us... well they didnt want to learn about god, so they didnt get our number and they didnt accept our offer to allow them to accompany us to church.. so they didnt get the date either. nice boys though.  3. My comp decided to forget her tag on the way to church, good thing i always have two and always wanted a twin. Shes now called hna campbell 2.  4. I ran into a door 5. we locked the keys inside our house... but good thing my comp is skinny and im tall. She stood on my hands and i lifted her inside the tiny bathroom window and she did it. We got inside and ate our cookies.  Yeah well, i hope you enjoyed because it was a pretty funny, fantastic week. I learned an incredible lesson this week that doesnt only apply to the mission. As missionaries we are constantly inviting people to change, through the invitations we leave. As they begin completing the invitations they start to feel the desire to grow closer to God. and as missionaries we have the opportunity to invite them to make that covenant and be baptized. This week as we found many elect sons and daughters of god we put that to practice. We were ableto see the change in there hearts and invite them to come closer to God. I used to be scared to make that invitation but this week it dawned on me that if we dont invite people to grow closer to God, they may never realize thats what they need. Now my invitation for you all this week, is invite someone to do something. Whether it is going to church with you, reading the introduccion with you or by themselves, or praying to god, invite them and help them have those desires to learn more and grow closer to God. I love you all so very much and im so proud of the people you are becoming. Continue growing and progressing and always follow the spirit. THE HOLY GHOST IS OUR GUIDE SO LET HIM GUIDE YOU!  This life is one in a million and we only have a short time to prove to God that He can trust us. Make Him proud and keep working on being better always. I love this gospel and everything that i get to be apart of in this life and oof i could go on but ill let you all go, heheh have such an amazing week!!!!!! FE EN DIOS INCLUYE FE EN SU TIEMPO HERMANA CAMPBELL

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