Thursday, January 16, 2020

Week 42

Week 42 January 14, 2020 Well this week flew by! and i dont really remember what happened other than... I LOST THE KEYS WOHOOO GO ME IM DOING GREAT. haha long story short, my companion climbed in the window tuesday and i felt left out so as we left the house i had the keys in my hand, and then i decided to be a magician and make them disappear. not sure when they left my hand or where they ended up but no one has entered our apartment. Yeah but we went back to our house and i was brilliant and locked the big window wohoo for saftey and then climbed through the bathroom window in a dress. MISSION ADVENTURES but our faithful district leader is bringing us our spare and then i think i will take better care of the keys. But from that experience i learned a very valuable lesson. And no i dont know how to be more organized and not lose things but i did learn how to make any situation a happy situation. We had left early that morning for a lesson with an hermana who asked us about the bible that was in my hand and she ended up opening up completley and crying with us. It was such a special moment and we were super excited to have another lesson with her. We called her and she said she was really busy and hung up. Then i realized i didnt have the keys and had left things at the house for our consejo de distrito a reunion with other missionaries that we had in an hour. So then i had to take a few deep breaths to keep the tears of frustration in my eyes. i was also tired. and we said a prayer, walked into a store, bought 25 cent icecream and i climbed through the window like a ninja and changed my attitude. President Chacon sent me this little message this week and it was exactly what i needed to hear about being in charge of our own happiness, “So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference. To do the best we can and then to choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment. … We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude.” President Thomas S. Monson, “Living the Abundant Life,” Ensign, Jan. 2012, 4 ITS SO TRUE as we live the gospel, do everything we can to be obedient, bad things are still going to happen and that is okay! it is part of life, and the special part about the whole thing is that we determine our happiness. We determine whether we want to sit on the side of the street and cry, or eat an icecream and be a ninja. Its something special that we are given and so lets take advantage of Christs love and be happy about the life He has given us. We are here because he suffered everything so that we can get knocked down and get right back up again. and whats better is that he is lifting us up always. NEVER GIVE UP OR GET DISCOURAGED. God knows us and knows what we are going through and He will bless us with the strength we need! THE MISSION IS THE GREATEST THING I HAVE EVER BEEN APART OF AND OOF I LOVE BEING ABLE TO JUST OPEN MY MOUTH AND SHARE THE JOY I HAVE even if it comes after eating a lot of politos. the best 25 cent icecream i have ever found in my whole entire life and i love ice cream. also for all those who read my emails my last email i meant helaman 5:12 my bad. whoops. BUT HAVE AN INCREDIBLE WEEK WITH SO MUCH JOY AND ICE CREAM BECAUSE YOU ALL DESERVE IT WOHOOO CHAU Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that quote by Pres Monson and I love you. It is so fun to see and read about your experiences. You are doing a great work! I love you and miss seeing your beautiful face! Sister Miller
