Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Week 40 - Oh what a two weeks it has been!

Week 40 – Oh what a two weeks it has been! December 30, 2019 FELIZ NAVIDAD (a little late! sorry) Oh my how are all of you incredible people?!?!?!?!!? I am doing fantastic thank you very much. We have had an incredible 2 weeks here in Calderon. (the city thats not even a city but to me is a giant city with lots of cars and noise and people and NO COWS OR CHANCOS. its fine.) with the holidays it actually made me really happy. So we have these pass along cards that we write our numbers on them and hand them out to people on the streets in the bus wherever we are really and heheheh with the light the world cards that were literally the cutest i had so much fun with them. We would finish lunch and be heading back to the house for studies and i looked at hermana oswald and was like, alright here are you cards. We dont enter the house until we have talked to at least 5 people each. We just started talking to everybody and giving everybody the tarjetas and we ended up talking to almost 10 people each and we were the happiest little (were actually giant gringas here) missionaries ever. But yes that was a cute fun story that i just felt like sharing with you all. The point of the story is that this christmas was the best christmas i have ever had. I have never been so excited to give someone the gift that will never go away. I hope you all took advantage of this christmas season and shared that gift with as many people as you could. and if you didnt, hey guess what, WE CAN SHARE THIS GIFT OF CHRIST ALL YEAR LONG SO WHOOHOOOOO I LOVE IT. Anyway something else that i would love to share with you all this week is a question that we were asked in a lesson. We left the previous lesson leaving her to read the introduccion del libro de mormon and when we showed up we asked if she had read it, and she had!!! WHOOOHOO LOVE THAT. But she then goes on to ask us a question that i had never been asked before and it was "why was the first thing you wanted me to read the intro?you could have left me with a story or something else but why the intro?" and as i thought about it i realized it was just what my trainer would do, you always left them with the intro but as i thought moreabout the intro i realized why. The Book of Mormon is the key stone of our religion. If the bood of mormon is true, that means Joseph Smith restored this gospel, that he truly saw our Father and His son Jesucristo. It also means that Jesus Christ is our savior. That He died for us and suffered in Gethsemane for each one of us and each one of our trials and difficulties that we have had. And that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints is the TRUE CHURCH. the only church that has the plenitud del evangelio restaurado. The introduction explains to us that and has the power to testify to us that all of what we teach is true. We ended explaining to her that if she gains a testimony of the book of mormon that means that everything we are going to continue teaching her is true without a doubt. and so i challenge you all the same. This week, no matter where you are at in the book of mormon i challenge you all to go back and read the intro. Read the introduction and pray to know whether the book of mormon is true. I promise you with all my heart that if you read it with an open heart and mind, you will receive an answer and in a way that you will know without a doubt. You will also feel complete, whatever troubles or doubts you have had about anything with no longer be doubts. you will know what you need to do and you will feel the love of God in your life. I truly love this gospel so much and am filled with so much joy as i go day to day sharing the one thing that has completed me. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without the gospel, without jesus christ, i dont know where i would be or what i would be doing. all i know is that i would be lost. Yet Im not, imay not know the street names or where people live, but i do know that i am exactly where i should be. I hope you all had a very merry christmas and have a very happy new year. SET GOALS THAT WILL HELP YOU GROW CLOSER TO GOD AND GET YOUR GYM MEMBERSHIPS HEHEH i love you all so much and talk to you next week!!! CHAU FE EN DIOS INCLUYE FE EN SU TIEMPO HERMANA CAMPBELL

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