Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Week 38 - Sad Day! I Left the Campo!

Week 38 – Sad Day! I Left the Campo December 17, 2019 well everybody, i have left the campo... and it was a sad sad day. 7.5 months in san pablo and i have finally adventured outside into the real world!!!! i ate my first chicken nuggets in a long time and lets just say im gonna miss my rice and beans and pollo. but wohooo still get some of that!!! One time in the same sector is not the easiest. you become so relaxed and so used to everything and it got a bit difficult to contact and really dedicate everything. BUT that isnt a reason to stop working. There truly are people we found these last few weeks that really we wouldnt have found if we wouldve stopped working. That doesnt just happen on the mission but in real life. We get so used to one thing that it becomes natural. We lose the real meaning of things. for example this christmas. What is christmas? presents, christmas tree, candy canes, snowman, sledding, santa clause... i could go on. But when we truly take time to rethink things that happen all the time we realize that there is so much more to learn about every little thing. So when we think about it, What is Christmas? What ive learned here in the mission is that there is no snow, presents dont exist, christmas trees are super rare but one thing that is the same is Christ. We dont need to have the brightest christmas lights or a christmas tree super bright, because when we have christ as the center of our lives we have the best light we can ever find. Christ truly is the only thing we really need in this life. Christmas is so fun but i dont think i have ever had so much love for christmas until now. Really being able to serve and dedicate all of my time to help others find the light of christ is the only thing that i want to do this christmas and i challenge you all to make that the focus this week leading up to christmas. Find someone who needs light, who needs hope, and who needs the love of God and give them the best christmas present they could ever recieve!! Today during my study i truly learned how hard it is to stay strong the gospel, let me explain. In 4 nefi 1 it talks about the begining of the great apostasy, the time where the gospel of jesus christ was not on the earth. and as i was reading it dawned on me that God had been working with different profets for more that 600 years, and when Christ came to the americas that is when everyone converted to Christ and converted to the true gospel. but then it explains that not even 200 years after christ came, there began to be wickedness again in the land and then bam it just fell hard. It truly doenst matter how long it takes us to gain our testimony because we could chose to be converted in 1 day or in 10 years but if we do not continue strengthening our testimony it will fall and we will turn away faster than you know. Once you have the one thing that will give you the most joy in this world, dont play with it, dont slack on your reading, dont stop talking to your father in heaven, STAY STRONG AND SPREAD THE GOSPEL. LIVE LIKE CHRIST IS WALKING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU AND YOU WILL HAVE SO MUCH MORE JOY AND HAPPINESS!!! I’m now in Calderon which is in quito but a cute subburb and my comp is from south jordan utah and her name is hna oswald, SUPER CUTE! but yeah im doing so incredibley amazing and have never been happier!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND HAVE A GOOD WEEK ILUMINA EL MUNDO EN CADA MOMENTO WOHOOOO - HERMANA CAMPBELL

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