Friday, December 13, 2019

Week 37 - I'm Surrounded by Pigs, I Just Wanted to be One

Week 37 – I’m Surrounded by Pigs, I Just Wanted to be One December 10, 2019 yeah i dont have a picture of what happened this morning but long story short we hiked up basically an iceberg on a mountain.. cool right? and the mud was super slippery and i biffed it so hard and the left side of my body was completely covered in mud... it was hilarious and when i get a picture of it, youll see. hope you found that as funny as it was. BUT WOHOOO THIS WEEK WAS INCREDIBLE. There were so many miracles this week and not enough time to share them all but ill mention a few... Wednesday - wow, we have been teaching a family for a really long time now, for like 7 months and they have read the intro many times, but this time when they read it, they understood it and oh the joy that was in there home. We may not understand everything we read in the scriptures or everything we hear in life, but never give up. Keep searching for the answer because i testify that it will come. Thursday - intercambios!!! i was in a different sector for the day and may i say i love eating 25 cent icecream. its so good. but we had an incredible lesson with a part member family who have been through so much. People, never stop sharing the gospel, even with members because everyone is going through something and they need what we have to share!!! SHARE IT Friday - Feeling the spirit in the home of those we visit is one of the most incredible things i have ever experienced. Do everything in your power to invite the Spirit into your homes ALWAYS Saturday - WOHOOOOO the introduccion in the book of mormon is incredible and i invite you all to read it! It has touched the hearts of many this week and i testify that you will recieve an answer you have been searching for if you will read it with complete faith! Sunday - We have watched the video of the Jesus Child, not really sure what its called in english but if you get anything out of my email this week, i hope you all understand the importance of our savior Jesus Christ. The video may be in a different language but i have never felt the spirit so strong watching a video. The light of Christ shines so bright in the video and what is even more incredible is that He was just born. As a child Jesus Christ had such a light and that light is something we can have, something we should desire to have. This christmas season isnt about gifts, isnt about lights or trees or snowman, although those things are so amazingly fun, but this christmas season like they talked aboutin the christmas devotional is about giving the gift that never stops giving. which is the light and love that jesus christ himself offers to each and every one of us that actually looks to have it in our lives. GO WATCH THE VIDEO AND SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW I love you all so much and i know that Jesus Christ is the only way we receive what we need in this life, LET HIM IN. Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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