Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Week 35 - What a Week

Week 35 – What a Week November 25, 2019 Tuesday : Today we taught english in the rain, but we didnt want to be in the rain so we taught english in a chicken coop... i love ecuador so much! Wednesday : We had interchanges today and instead of two gringas with one short and one tall we were two tall white blue eyed gringas walking in san pablo!!! IT WAS SO FUN AND SHES SO CUTE! Thursday : We had a really long meeting by video chat and it was so good. We talked about how we should all repent every day because thats honestly the only way we are going to improve. Friday : eh just a normal day but a great day. Saturday : Hermana Lisbeth got baptized!!!! and so many people were there supporting her and it was incredible! Hermana Bean and I got to be the whitnesses for the baptism and it was such an incredible experience! Sunday : Go to church please, church really builds us up for the week and really helps us continue on with the challenges that we are facing in this life. Okay this week oof was crazy, this week, was incredible and this week i learned so much about giving ourselves to God. We really worked this week and gave it our all and I was really able to see how God picks us up and strengthens us when we struggle to find the strength that we need. Keep fighting and pushing through the rough moments!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL AND HAVE A GOOD WEEK

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