Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 34 - Crazy Week

November 18, 2019 MY WEEK WAS CRAZY HERE WE GO Tuesday We had our district counsel and we ate PAN. I actually love bread. I didn’t before if im being honest but let me tell ya, I wish the states had panaderias. But its good they don’t because id get fat… whoops.   Wednsday HAHAHAH LISTO it rains here a lot. And I love it so much, but whats hard, is when we have to walk down hills of mud.. its fun though because it gives us good laughs. Like when I slip and fall in the mud. And then I stub my toe on a rock, and then I slip in the house with a bucket of water and my sweatshirt got real wet. It was a good day. Thursday we had zone conference and hermana bean was throwing up on the grass. Then I opened the bathroom door on my face and got a bruise that was growing which was great because then I had an interview with elder zeballos…. You couldn’t tell so that was good, but the conference was amazing!!! And something that stood out to me is that we are all god and goddesses, and we need to see everyone in the way god sees them! Friday we went to quito for a lidership counsel and we got stuck in quito and got to contact and ate pizza!!!! DOMINOS IS THE BEST AND MY SISTER MAKES THE BEST PIZZA. Saturday we got back from quito and we had a crazy day but such a good one! Sunday wow Sundays are so good. I love them sometimes. I love watching the door waiting for people to come to church but sometimes they don’t show up, but whoohoooo we had people come to church!!! Sorry my email this week isn’t the most enjoyable but I REALLY LOVE THE MISSION. The mission is crazy but wow I have never felt like this before. I have never had so much love and joy in my life. And let me tell you, we are filled with the Spirit. I invite you all to make your focus this week on the Spirit. Find God in your life and make it your focus and your life with have so much more joy and love. I LOVEYOU ALL AND HAVE SUCH A GOOD WEEK!”!!!!!! CHOW

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