Friday, November 1, 2019

Week 31 - Ha Ha Ha - I Ate Bugs!!!!

Buenas tardes a todos!!!!!! This week kind of flew by and it was kind of GREAT WOHOOOOO I LOVE THE MISSION!!! } Tuesday : Feed the missionaries, it’s a hard life when you don’t have a mamita… but not when you have a comp who can cook delicious food!!! Wohoooo and wow can I just testify of the power of members. When they accompany us during the lessons, the lessons are so much more spiritual, the people that are being taught are more willing to act and they have support!!! GO OUT AND VISIT PEOPLE WITH THE MISSIONARIES!!!! Wedsnday : We had interviews with our new hermanas lideres and theyre super cute loved it!!! And we had a great lesson with a family we were teaching in the past and ahhhhh esperamos that the spirit can testify to them and work with them to know the truthfulness of what we teach! Thursday : hahahahahah I LOVE PLANTING MAIZ AND FREJOL. Thanks mom for making us work in the garden because now im a pro and can plant in any kind of weather!!!!! Oh and I love the rain, and when we cant enter the house and end up teaching in the rain. Oh rain. Youre so great. oh, and we ate bugs. I was dramatic but theyre good. Firday : man, lessons cayeron. But hey we got to watch the first book of Mormon video and if you haven’t seen them…. LOOK EM UP THEYRE AMAZING. BOOKOFMORMON VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE GO WATCH EM PLEASE Saturday : Its kind of funny how God works. You can confirm the lessons as many times as you want, but if Heavenly Father has something else planned, welp then it doesn’t matter, hahah we ended up knocking on doors for a good bit and wow was that fun. I have never had so much fun talking to random people. I LOVE THE MISSION Sunday : LISBET ASISTIO!!!!!!!!!! MILAGROS! We then yesterday called some futuros, a lady whos son of 10 years gave me his seat on the bus and we got talking and I wrote her number down like 4 months ago. But when she answered and remembered who we were she said we couldvisit her tomorrow, so we went today! And WOW HOLY WHACK THEY ARE SO PREPARED. I have never felt the spirit that strongly in onelesson. It was incredible. THIS GOSPEL REALLY IS WHAT PEOPLENEED AND CAN HEAL ANY BROKEN HEART. OH AND WERE IN A TRIO OTRA VEZ!!!! WOHOOOOOOOOO Literally this work amazing and I could go on and on about it but I just want to share one thing. Jesus Christ suffered on the cross for us, Christ was spit upon and rejected, for who, for us. And what can we do to thank Him? Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have FAITH, REPENT DAILY, Meet with the missionaries and be baptized, and receive the gift of the holy ghost, and if you have been baptized, take the sacrament every week to renew those covenants, and endure to the end. 5 simple points that will change your life for all eternity. I love you all and I love this gospel and I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have to spread it with the people here in Ecuador. HAVE A GREAT WEEK

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