Monday, November 11, 2019

Week 33 - The End of the Trio :(

Week 33 – The End of the Trio  November 11, 2019 okay everybody i love the mission. i love this gospel and let me tell ya, i have never been so happy yet so tired in my life. and it is the greatest! also a common subject this week was, if God is our loving Heavenly Father, why does he punish us? in moroni 7 it talks about how everything that is good comes from Dios, and everything else from Satanas. Primero, we get to choose whether we get the good or the bad. Mediante our actions, we determine the consequences. So why do good people have trials and hard times? okay heres a little example we were able to share and it really opened my eyes, if you have gold but you dont know you have gold, no one will try and steal it. but if you have gold in your hands and are walking down the street, people will begin to try and steal your gold. the gold is the gospel, when we dont know that we have the gospel, satan doesnt have to try and take us down, but when we accpt the gopel and we shiine with the light of christ, satan will work double time on us. Its not that God is punishing us, its us becoming stronger in the gospel. So when hard things come our way, look to god for more strength, turn to him instead of the world. because Jesus Christ died for us to save us, satan sneaks up on us through the things of the world. This week was amazing, we worked so hard in both sectors and have seen many miracles due to the work we put in! The trio has been an answer to prayers and i have learned more than i have ever learned in these two weeks!!! I have never felt the spirit like i felt it this week and it is incredible what God can do through actions of missionaries who are just following the random thoughts that come into there minds. The spirit will testify to us when we are willling ot work and to act and through that, people begin to see and feel the love of God in there lives! always remember your baptismal covenant, and always be willing to take his name upon you no matter where you are. I love this gospel and i invite you all to really find your testimony and your conversion through daily scripture study, attending church weekly, and praying to our Father in Heaven who loves us more than we can even imagine!!! i love you all and am so thankful for your prayers and emails!!!! oh for cambios, IM STAYING IN SAN PABLO WOOT WOOT LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!! but i lost my hija, they took her to quito, -_- but hna bean from the trio is staying with me in san pablo! dos gringas con blue eyes and blonde hair hehe its gonna be the best 6 weeks ever!!! TALK TO YOU ALL LATER I LOVE YOU ALL Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo! Hermana Campbell (campbeige)

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