Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Week 35 - What a Week

Week 35 – What a Week November 25, 2019 Tuesday : Today we taught english in the rain, but we didnt want to be in the rain so we taught english in a chicken coop... i love ecuador so much! Wednesday : We had interchanges today and instead of two gringas with one short and one tall we were two tall white blue eyed gringas walking in san pablo!!! IT WAS SO FUN AND SHES SO CUTE! Thursday : We had a really long meeting by video chat and it was so good. We talked about how we should all repent every day because thats honestly the only way we are going to improve. Friday : eh just a normal day but a great day. Saturday : Hermana Lisbeth got baptized!!!! and so many people were there supporting her and it was incredible! Hermana Bean and I got to be the whitnesses for the baptism and it was such an incredible experience! Sunday : Go to church please, church really builds us up for the week and really helps us continue on with the challenges that we are facing in this life. Okay this week oof was crazy, this week, was incredible and this week i learned so much about giving ourselves to God. We really worked this week and gave it our all and I was really able to see how God picks us up and strengthens us when we struggle to find the strength that we need. Keep fighting and pushing through the rough moments!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL AND HAVE A GOOD WEEK

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 34 - Crazy Week

November 18, 2019 MY WEEK WAS CRAZY HERE WE GO Tuesday We had our district counsel and we ate PAN. I actually love bread. I didn’t before if im being honest but let me tell ya, I wish the states had panaderias. But its good they don’t because id get fat… whoops.   Wednsday HAHAHAH LISTO it rains here a lot. And I love it so much, but whats hard, is when we have to walk down hills of mud.. its fun though because it gives us good laughs. Like when I slip and fall in the mud. And then I stub my toe on a rock, and then I slip in the house with a bucket of water and my sweatshirt got real wet. It was a good day. Thursday we had zone conference and hermana bean was throwing up on the grass. Then I opened the bathroom door on my face and got a bruise that was growing which was great because then I had an interview with elder zeballos…. You couldn’t tell so that was good, but the conference was amazing!!! And something that stood out to me is that we are all god and goddesses, and we need to see everyone in the way god sees them! Friday we went to quito for a lidership counsel and we got stuck in quito and got to contact and ate pizza!!!! DOMINOS IS THE BEST AND MY SISTER MAKES THE BEST PIZZA. Saturday we got back from quito and we had a crazy day but such a good one! Sunday wow Sundays are so good. I love them sometimes. I love watching the door waiting for people to come to church but sometimes they don’t show up, but whoohoooo we had people come to church!!! Sorry my email this week isn’t the most enjoyable but I REALLY LOVE THE MISSION. The mission is crazy but wow I have never felt like this before. I have never had so much love and joy in my life. And let me tell you, we are filled with the Spirit. I invite you all to make your focus this week on the Spirit. Find God in your life and make it your focus and your life with have so much more joy and love. I LOVEYOU ALL AND HAVE SUCH A GOOD WEEK!”!!!!!! CHOW

Monday, November 11, 2019

Week 33 - The End of the Trio :(

Week 33 – The End of the Trio  November 11, 2019 okay everybody i love the mission. i love this gospel and let me tell ya, i have never been so happy yet so tired in my life. and it is the greatest! also a common subject this week was, if God is our loving Heavenly Father, why does he punish us? in moroni 7 it talks about how everything that is good comes from Dios, and everything else from Satanas. Primero, we get to choose whether we get the good or the bad. Mediante our actions, we determine the consequences. So why do good people have trials and hard times? okay heres a little example we were able to share and it really opened my eyes, if you have gold but you dont know you have gold, no one will try and steal it. but if you have gold in your hands and are walking down the street, people will begin to try and steal your gold. the gold is the gospel, when we dont know that we have the gospel, satan doesnt have to try and take us down, but when we accpt the gopel and we shiine with the light of christ, satan will work double time on us. Its not that God is punishing us, its us becoming stronger in the gospel. So when hard things come our way, look to god for more strength, turn to him instead of the world. because Jesus Christ died for us to save us, satan sneaks up on us through the things of the world. This week was amazing, we worked so hard in both sectors and have seen many miracles due to the work we put in! The trio has been an answer to prayers and i have learned more than i have ever learned in these two weeks!!! I have never felt the spirit like i felt it this week and it is incredible what God can do through actions of missionaries who are just following the random thoughts that come into there minds. The spirit will testify to us when we are willling ot work and to act and through that, people begin to see and feel the love of God in there lives! always remember your baptismal covenant, and always be willing to take his name upon you no matter where you are. I love this gospel and i invite you all to really find your testimony and your conversion through daily scripture study, attending church weekly, and praying to our Father in Heaven who loves us more than we can even imagine!!! i love you all and am so thankful for your prayers and emails!!!! oh for cambios, IM STAYING IN SAN PABLO WOOT WOOT LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!! but i lost my hija, they took her to quito, -_- but hna bean from the trio is staying with me in san pablo! dos gringas con blue eyes and blonde hair hehe its gonna be the best 6 weeks ever!!! TALK TO YOU ALL LATER I LOVE YOU ALL Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo! Hermana Campbell (campbeige)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Week 32 - Woah!

Week 32 – Woah November 4, 2019 Woah. When people say the mission flies by its because it really does. Especially crazy weeks like this week! Okay so were in a trio again, like last time because an Hermana extended her mission and went home Monday so la Hermana, Hermana bean from Portland was left without a companion and now were back working in both areas! We saw so many miracles this week and it was incredible. We really got to focus on the people that are progressing and we have really seen the fruit of our labors this week! Monday : we had an incredible lesson with a pareja and theyjust had a baby and are super willing to accept the gospel right now! We watched the restauration and wow the wife has so much desire!!! so does the husband and im so excited to see the progression of them as they grow closer to Christ!! Tuesday : We helped these cute kids with english and then got the chance to teach them with there mom and wow they too are so reseptive and so prepared for the gospel!! They live in a beautiful place too. But wow theyre adorable. Wedsnsday : PREPERATIONFORHALLOWEEN kidding we had intercambios and holy it was so fun. i love being in trios with three gringas with blue eyes. SUPER FUN AND I LOVED IT Thursday : we spent all day in zone conference and holy wow that was incredible. ill have to bring my note book next timeandshare what i learned because woah. so good. Friday : ACTIVIDADES DEL DIA DE LOS DIFUNTOS!!!! lots of pan and colada morada and so many fun activities but i love san pablo SO MUCH AHHHHHH saturday : i actuallly dont remember. OH WE HAD AN ACTIVITY as a district and we gave free chocolate (not hot chocolate because it was more cold) AND I LOVE TALKING TO RANDOM PEOPLE sunday : two wards and we had a lot of families that came to chruch andwowo i love church!!! it truly brings us peace and comfort for not only sunday but also for all of the week!!!!! READ YOUR SCRIPTURES. IT WILL ANSWER ALLYOUR QUSETIONS AND NOT THE WORDS PEOPLE, ITS THE SPIRIT THAT WILL TESTIFY TO YOU AND TEACH YOU ALL I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND LOTS OF LOVE. MUAH Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo HERMANA CAMPBELL

Friday, November 1, 2019

Week 31 - Ha Ha Ha - I Ate Bugs!!!!

Buenas tardes a todos!!!!!! This week kind of flew by and it was kind of GREAT WOHOOOOO I LOVE THE MISSION!!! } Tuesday : Feed the missionaries, it’s a hard life when you don’t have a mamita… but not when you have a comp who can cook delicious food!!! Wohoooo and wow can I just testify of the power of members. When they accompany us during the lessons, the lessons are so much more spiritual, the people that are being taught are more willing to act and they have support!!! GO OUT AND VISIT PEOPLE WITH THE MISSIONARIES!!!! Wedsnday : We had interviews with our new hermanas lideres and theyre super cute loved it!!! And we had a great lesson with a family we were teaching in the past and ahhhhh esperamos that the spirit can testify to them and work with them to know the truthfulness of what we teach! Thursday : hahahahahah I LOVE PLANTING MAIZ AND FREJOL. Thanks mom for making us work in the garden because now im a pro and can plant in any kind of weather!!!!! Oh and I love the rain, and when we cant enter the house and end up teaching in the rain. Oh rain. Youre so great. oh, and we ate bugs. I was dramatic but theyre good. Firday : man, lessons cayeron. But hey we got to watch the first book of Mormon video and if you haven’t seen them…. LOOK EM UP THEYRE AMAZING. BOOKOFMORMON VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE GO WATCH EM PLEASE Saturday : Its kind of funny how God works. You can confirm the lessons as many times as you want, but if Heavenly Father has something else planned, welp then it doesn’t matter, hahah we ended up knocking on doors for a good bit and wow was that fun. I have never had so much fun talking to random people. I LOVE THE MISSION Sunday : LISBET ASISTIO!!!!!!!!!! MILAGROS! We then yesterday called some futuros, a lady whos son of 10 years gave me his seat on the bus and we got talking and I wrote her number down like 4 months ago. But when she answered and remembered who we were she said we couldvisit her tomorrow, so we went today! And WOW HOLY WHACK THEY ARE SO PREPARED. I have never felt the spirit that strongly in onelesson. It was incredible. THIS GOSPEL REALLY IS WHAT PEOPLENEED AND CAN HEAL ANY BROKEN HEART. OH AND WERE IN A TRIO OTRA VEZ!!!! WOHOOOOOOOOO Literally this work amazing and I could go on and on about it but I just want to share one thing. Jesus Christ suffered on the cross for us, Christ was spit upon and rejected, for who, for us. And what can we do to thank Him? Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have FAITH, REPENT DAILY, Meet with the missionaries and be baptized, and receive the gift of the holy ghost, and if you have been baptized, take the sacrament every week to renew those covenants, and endure to the end. 5 simple points that will change your life for all eternity. I love you all and I love this gospel and I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have to spread it with the people here in Ecuador. HAVE A GREAT WEEK