Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Week 23 - We Got To See The Prophet

I wish i could say that we got to shake his hand but no we didnt. President Nelson came to ecuador and spoke to a bunch of the members here in Quito!! But i will talk more about that later, i would just like to say that with no doubt in my mind i know that President Nelson has been called of God to be His voice on the earth. Without prophets, well we would be lost. Sunday : Today we got to experience a little bit of how Christ felt when he was on the earth. and may i just say, He is incredible. and the reason that we have joy and happiness and hope in our lives. Without Him we wouldnt be here. Its an honor when we get to feel a little piece of what He felt when he was on the earth Monday : We got to see all the missionaries in the mission Quito North!!! It was super fun to get to be with everyone. But the meeting with the Prophet was incredible. The spirit when he walked into the room was so strong. He has such a light in him and it shines so bright. His wife spoke to us about how being the wife of the Prophet she has learned that she too has all the rights and ability to receive revelation from God just like the Prophet. And the same for all of us. When we live the Gospel we all have the same oportunity to grow and recieve revelation from out Father in Heaven. Then the Prophet spoke about the comandments and how its simple. We just need to follow the comandments and we will be set for the coming of Christ. PREPARE YOURSELVES. READ THE SCRIPTURES DAILY PRAY MORNING AND NIGHT AND GO TO CHURCH WITH AN OPEN HEART!!!!! THIS DAY WAS INCREDIBLE Tuesday : Conference day 2 and wow i always leave with a headache because we learn so much and i have a lot to do. hahaah but its the best headache ever! The spirit these 2 days was so strong and it was so amazing. Theres no words to express the love i have for the mission and for this experience.  Wednsday : The Book of Mormon is amazing. If you arent reading it, read it. If you dont have one, call the misisonaries, they have a bunch! But de verdad, everything you need and want, you will find in The Book of Mormon.  Thursday : Something ive learned this week about faith. Faith is the best thing ever. When we have faith, we will find the happiness in everything. I contacted a hermano in the bus and let me tell ya, it was such a weird contact. Not my best for sure, but he was so prepared!!! And that taught me something. That the situation is perfect. Everything happens for a reason. So dont be frustrated with the situation or the experience because its all part of Gods plan. But that doesnt mean we are perfect. We always have room to improve and we should always think about how we can improve but we shouldnt doubt what happened in the situation. Hopefully that made sense... if not... sorry hehe Friday : We walked for yeah a long time with no lessons but hey we have luck with panaderias!!! We had a great lesson with great bread. I love ecuador. Saturday : We walked a lot again today. I love walking. But hey if you want to recieve blessings, open the door for Christ. He is just waiting for us to go to Him. Sunday : a hermana in the street asked how old we are and i said 19 and hna lovell said 20 and the lady said "why" and we just sat there like.... um because i was born 19 years ago... and she said it doesnt make sense because im tall and fat and hna lovell is short and skinny... It was really funny. Dont worry i know im not fat. THIS WEEK WAS SO GOOD AND I LOVE MY LIFE AND I LOVE YOU ALL KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK WOHOO  Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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