Monday, August 26, 2019

Week 22 - Cena De Despedida

hahaha this week was so good to be honest. But honestly every week is so incredibly amazing. So if all my emails begin with how amazing the week was, well its the truth. Each week just gets better and better!!! I truly know that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. He is just waiting for us to open the door. My companion and I were talking about distractions that we have in life that distract us from the promptings of the spirit and the picture of Christ knocking on the door without a handle came into my mind. If we are too busy to open the door, doing to much and dont hear the door, or are just too lazy to answer the door, we are missing opportunities to listen to the promptings of the spirit and we are keeping Christ out of our lives... My invitation for you all this week is to think about your life and if you are too busy, too distracted, or too lazy, CHANGE. Christ is waiting for us not the other way around. We must act to recieve. Doctrine and Covenants 82:10 Monday : Well this day was fun. 3 months into the mission and i went to a ¨Good bye Dinner¨ for the missionaries that are heading home! My comp extended and we stayed together and she was invited to go eat with her group and well she cant leave me so that was interesting and im glad mine isnt for a long time. Tuesday :haahha we always plan our contacts and how we are going to decide who to contact and today we chose to contact people with the color pink and woah. Literally everyone was wearing pink and it stressed me out... but at the same time it was super good too because all our lessons fell through but we talked to a lot of pink people who are truly prepared!!! Wednsday : Wow we had a lesson with Jose Miguel, the miracale from sunday and he understood the restauration and had his daughter read the pamphlet and she liked it too!! hopefully the next lesson is with his daughter as well and pray that he will be able to come to church with us tomorrow!!! Thursday : We had a dog that followed us around ALL DAY. Literally we walked so much and the dog just followed us. We called him manchas. which means stain. hahah his name is stain. We then had to return him to his owners because he was really lost. Pretty funny to be honest. Friday : Ayer. Fue bien loco. como siempre. Nothing really big happened other than we now have a district of all gringos. its bien loco but its gonna be super fun!!!  and today, our p day is today because monday we have a reunion with all the missionaries and WE GET TO SEE THE PROPHET!!!!!! WOHOO its going to be amazing and i cant wait to tell you all about it next monday! I LOVE YOU ALL AND HAVE AN AMAZING WEEK Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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