Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Week 25 - Arepassssssss Wohooooooo

more food that i just love. Its not a good thing, but hey the Lord is watching out for me and blessing me with good food and lots of energy. That really is something i am learning here in the mission. Literally EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. We eat breakfast at the exact moment we need to, we leave the house when the Lord needs us to leave the house, and we talk to the people that the Lord wants us to talk to. When we act, we are following the Lords plan for us. When we sit back and wait for things to happen, we are letting Satan win. Whos side are you on? We all have a purpose in the world. We all are here to grow and learn but most of all we are here to help those around us grow and learn. When you forget about yourself to serve others, the Lord will take care of you and work through you. He knows us and our needs and I just want all of you to know that you are worth more than you know. If you could look in the mirror every morning and see who God sees, you would never have to question your worth. My invitation for you all this week is to pray to see others the way God sees them and express your gratitude for those that are there for you. Just love everyone. We had exchanges this week and I had my first native companion in the mission!!! wohoooo it was a blast. She is so fun and so full of energy and hilarious. also taught us how to cook and eat arepas and may i say, i love them. so good. Normal week with amazing lessons and really i love this mission with all of my heart!!!! I love you all so much!!! have a great week!!!!! Stay tuned for next week because.... CHANGES ARE HAPPENING... yayaydfheilsdjf elets gooooooooo Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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