Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Week 24 - Fish Eyesssss

Monday : Wow we had a lesson with a hermana who has been going to church with her sister who is a recent convert for awhile but is always super busy! But we finally were able to set an appointment to teach her a little bit and wow she has been prepared!! We were both a little nervous to bring up baptism because shes been going to church without us and we didnt want her to feel pressured but we both felt like we needed to invite her to be baptized. So we brought it up and she responds with, yeah i met with the missionaries awhile back but i felt super pressured, and the bishop visited me and my sister and talked about baptism but i felt way to pressured. But lately i have been thinking a lot about it and i want to be baptized. WHAT ON EARTH WHY WERE WE NERVOUS THE LORD PLANS EVERYTHING PERFECTLY. such a milagro. Tuesday : i learned how to plant strawberries and did it in a dress. hahaha we offered to help and this group of people just laughed at us and said sure, little did they know we werent kidding. We then planted strawberries and dug wholes with sticks for an hour. I also for merienda (basically dinner) ate fish. And fish is delicious. But i didnt know they had tongues and eyes and teeth really sharp. My comp had to tell me to stop playing with my food. But hey i did eat the fish eyes and may i say it wasnt all bad...  Wednsday : Wow this day we learned that doctrine is so much better than our own words. This hermano asked why bad things happen to good people and we explained it using scripture but more so our own words. He still wasnt understanding that satan works harder on those who have the gospel and that we have to experience the bad to realize and appreciate the good and so we just 2 nefi 2 with agency and he then repeats what we said but completely different but was so happy and was thanking us a bunch in giving him that answer. He is super catholic but after told us he wants to attend our church to see what it is like because no one could answer his question. When we teach using doctrine the spirit will teach them what they need to hear. It was truly amazing. Thursday : Presidente came to our house to do house inspections and interviews. and he was pretty shocked at our shower and said we need to fix it because we could be shocked and die and we both laughed because we both have been shocked a little by our shower. dont worry were more careful and are going to fix it... Yesterday i contacted an hermana in the bus but didnt have time to get her number. super sad and was super bumbed but then today we had a lesson with an hermana who is going to be baptized super soon and she said she brought a friend, and OUT WALKED THE HERMANA I CONTACTED IN THE BUS. legit i was so happy and the Lord plans everything perfectly. She attended church this sunday and loved it!!!!! WOHOO FOR A FATHER IN HEAVEN WHO LOVES EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. Friday : We handed out free hot chocolate and pan in a part of our area that we dont normally go to and wow it was the coolest thing ever. I love the opportunities we have to serve the people hear and jsut love them. Then we got asked out on a date and when we said no we dont want to and wont he then asked if we could go get ice cream and talk about God. We politely said no thanks and left. Pretty funny and really weird.  Saturday : hahahahah we were helping build a house and they were mixing cement so hna lovell and i were bringing buckets of water to them and when we went to set the bucket down we hit heads and everyone saw and laughed. Gotta love that. OKAY BUT WOWIE WE HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS awhile back a man named santiago who works in a panaderia got baptized. We then made plans for him to get married to a hermana in the ward whos family owns the panaderia. Yeah well 1 month later THEYRE ENGAGED WHATTTTTTTT WOHOOO we were more excited than they were.  Sunday : Well this week was really funny with lots of laughter but this day was one of the funniest and saddest days of my mission.... STORY TIME. this joven were teaching is really interesting. a lot like my brother in many ways. but anyway were teaching him and he asks how many siblings i have and if im the oldest and i tell him im the second oldest of 6 and he asks my companion the same question but if shes the youngest and she says yes and then he tells us that he knew it. So obvioulsy we ask how and he replied Porque ella (hna lovell) es mas flaquita y usted... pues usted es un poquito chubby. and grabs my arm to show me that im chubby... yeah i felt very uncomfortable and it was actually really funny because ive always been a little more built than most and especially in ecuador. but yeah that happened and now im hna chubby. gotta love jovenes. (: We also ate pizza at a family home evening. thanks santiago. I literally love the mission so much and everything i am learning. I truly know that Jesus Christ suffered everything we feel and have felt. I know that it is only through Him that we are saved and I am so blessed to get to share that with the people here in ecuador!!!! ME ENCANTA LA MISION!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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