Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Week 20 - Miracles!

Story Time!!!! We had a rough week last week finding a lot of people ready to teach and who are prepared for the gospel. But this week we were ready to work hard to find those people prepared!! So this email will probably be loco but ahh good luck!! We found this family while we were looking for a girl we were teaching but she wasnt home, but her family was!!! We just started talking to the parents for a bit and then they let us share the message of the restoration and WOW SO GOOD!!!! THEY LOVED IT SO MUCH!! The father kept telling us that he usually doesnt like things like that. and he usually leaves but he felt something different and stayed attentive the whole time and we invited them to church and he couldnt come because of work but he told his wife and son that they are going to go to church and guess what!!! THEY CAME TO CHURCH!!!!! AND THEY LOVED IT!! SORRY NOT A LOT OF TIME BUT I LOVE THIS WORK AND I LOVE THIS GOSPEL!!! The spirit will speak to us in the ways that we know! He will speak to us in our language and in ways that we will understand always. We just have to be willilng to look for it. I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS!!!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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