Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Week 12 - Chicken Foot

Hey hey hey everyone you get to hear directly from me this week!!! Sorry for the spelling i dont like spelling. Im not good at it. hahaha okay to start off i would just like you all to know that God truly listens to our prayers. He loves each and every one of us and He wants what is best for us. I love the peace i feel knowing that he has everything planned for me. He knows what i need and when i need it and he knows each and every one of you. He wants what is best for you and he is preparing us all for the challenges we will face. Even the most simple prayers he answers and i can testify of that!!!! We have a ton of investigators who are just stuck. Not really progressing. But they are amazing!! So one night before we headed out to our meetings, we prayed specifically to see progress in our investigators, and guess what, no joke, one family is working on getting the money to get married so they can be baptized, another family is reading the book of mormon on there own!!!! and the other family is thinking about moving their baptismal date a little sooner than january!!! Super little things but those little things is what is going to help them recieve their salvation!!!! De verdad, everyday is basically the same, lots of lessons and lots of miracles and I LOVE IT!!!!  Tuesday was amazing. Xavier, who has his baptismal date this saturday is fasting for his tests and everything and is reading and praying and wow he is so ready!!!!! wohooo!!! Also the ward is amazing. They come to lessons with us a lot and they are so helpful!!! If you can go out with the missionaries!!! Wednsday, Sometimes i get excited when we are teaching a topic i like and i talk too much but hey im learning.... hahaha but we had so many lessons today and two dinners which wow the food here is so good and so healthy!!! I LOVE IT!!!! But the families we are teaching are doing so good!!! Thursday, hahahaha learned a big lesson. We have neighbors that are both learning about the gospel and we had a lesson together but they ended up just teaming up against us and now they have more doubts.. BUT we cleared it all up and theyre still great hahaha but no more lessons together!!!! Friday, I ate a chicken foot and it was so good. I dont know why you throw it out. It is literally the best part of the chicken!!!!! Saturday, Sad day. We ended up dropping xavier. He said he doesnt want to be baptized becuase he loves the world too much. He knows it is important but he doesnt want to commit. His mom is super sad about that but we will return in two weeks to see how hes doing and if he feels ready to be baptized. Yeah he is the one that fasts and prays and reads and it is hard but we are going back in 2 weeks!!! Sunday, SO MANY FRIENDS AT CHURCH AND I LOVE THEM ALL WOHOOOOO!!!!  I love you all and have such a fun week!! I am praying for you all!!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

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