Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week 50 - Birthday Week

ALRIGHTY EVERYBODY LETS GOOOOOOOO! okay. this week was ridiculous. Ridiculously incredible with so much crazy experiences and just ugh THEMISSION THE MISSION IS RIDICULOUSLY INCREDIBLE. i learned so much this week. SO MUCH. Its crazy how the Lord knows exactly what we need and because He knows that, He knows the situations we need to go through to really understand what he wants us to know. It honestly so cool. Its the phrase everything happens for a reason. That is so true. Literally everything that we go through is because Heavenly Father has a plan. When we get upset with situations when we complain and murmur, we are doubting and denying the love of God. Doubting in His plan. Obviously as humans we will doubt, we will be upset, impatient, and frustrated, BUT we have the atonement of Jesus Christ.I learned so much about the love of God this week. The love he has for us to send his son, Jesus Christ to this earth to suffer, to be rejected, spit upon, and to bleed from every pore. How many of you would be willing to let your children, future children, someone you love, go on a trip knowing that they are going to be in the worst accident that no one else can survive? heavenly Father did that when through Jesus Christ, He created this earth. All of his plan is based off of Jesus Christ. HOW MERCIFUL AND LOVING IS OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN?!?!!? He knows us, He knows what we need. Guys, Heavenly Father sent us to this earth, knowing some of us were not going to choose him, some of us were going to go our whole life without knowing about his love, yet he did, so that we can learn, and grow, and become like him. But we have to accept him. NOW IS THE TIME. NOT TOMORROW CHRIST MAY COME TOMORROW. stop waiting for the moment because THE MOMENT IS NOW. We have to act now. Being here on the mission has taught me that not everybody is goingto accept not everybody is going to let us in when it is raining and we are soaking wet, but what i do know is that there are people ready there are people starving for the gospel and as we sacrifice our desires and wants we find those people that want it. Dont be those that shut the door ever. Member or not, open your doors and let God in. and be the person that brings God into others homes. AH JUST GIVE YOURSELVES TO THE LORD AND HE WILL MOLD YOU INTO PRECIOUS DAUGHTERS AND SONS OF HIM. Thatis all i ask of you but more than anything, that is what God asks of you.  Goodness gracious i love the mission. i have said it before and i will say it 100 times but I AM LIVING MY DREAM. i love hthis gospel and i love this time i have to just give everything i have to the lord. Its incredible and God is good!  I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU FOR THE BDAY WISHES!!!!!!  Hermana Campbell

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