Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week 49 - It's Been a Crazy Couple of Weeks

Hello everybody. How have you all been??? Glad to hear that everythings great because here in good ole ecuador everybody and there dog is freaking out over the coronavirus... im chillin, if i get it im going to heaven. kidding im not going to get it but that is some new news! It was also carnival and here in ecuador, they throw eggs, flour, and spray you with water so we couldnt leave a few days. My brother told me its just breakfast and they should let us go outside. jajaj i think hes funny. ANYWAY those two days in the house were good, we got time to deep clean and study a ton anddddd prepare for a talk in front of a TON OF MISSIONARIES. okay i do like talking but not in front of a ton of people. i was shaking as i was preparing it BUT it went super well! Little run down of my topic, i was given the topic, my dedication as a missionary. and boy did i love that topic. If i have learned anything here on the mission it is how we can be dedicated servants of Jesus Christ. It was cool to write my talk and think about how i have learned to be a dedicated missionary and realized that its all stuff we can do on or off the mission, its something we should do DAILY! THE GOSPEL IS OUR LIFE FOR HEAVENS SAKE. We must act now, we must not wait for a good time because no time is a perfect time to start exercising or going on a diet, we just have to get over ourselves and do it. All of us have the potential to become gods and if we would like to reach that potential we must prepare now. We must get to work. We got this, just open your mouth and share the gospel, live the way Christ lived and you will be ready i promise.  So giving the little talk was honestly such a cool experience and the conference was so spiritually uplifting. It just gives you the boost you need to get up and go to work! We then got to do a little swap with some of the hermanas to see how they work and learn how you can be a better missionary and it was such a blast!!! Its also an eye opener that calderon has no hills... its fine. ummmmmmmmmm i think thats about it.. a normal week of missionary work, talking with everybody, tripping on every street, and eating a lot of politos (actually didnt eat that much because didnt have any money whoops) But i just love the mission, i love what it has taught me about how precious our time is here on this earth. We can rest later, now is when we need to complete the work of the Lord. I love you all so much and hope you all have had such a fun week and have such an even better one! I LOVE YOU ALL (also shoutout to Hermana Bowden whos now is 20 years old)  FE EN DIOS INCLUYE FE EN SU TIEMPO HERMANA CAMPBELL

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