Monday, August 26, 2019

Week 22 - Cena De Despedida

hahaha this week was so good to be honest. But honestly every week is so incredibly amazing. So if all my emails begin with how amazing the week was, well its the truth. Each week just gets better and better!!! I truly know that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. He is just waiting for us to open the door. My companion and I were talking about distractions that we have in life that distract us from the promptings of the spirit and the picture of Christ knocking on the door without a handle came into my mind. If we are too busy to open the door, doing to much and dont hear the door, or are just too lazy to answer the door, we are missing opportunities to listen to the promptings of the spirit and we are keeping Christ out of our lives... My invitation for you all this week is to think about your life and if you are too busy, too distracted, or too lazy, CHANGE. Christ is waiting for us not the other way around. We must act to recieve. Doctrine and Covenants 82:10 Monday : Well this day was fun. 3 months into the mission and i went to a ¨Good bye Dinner¨ for the missionaries that are heading home! My comp extended and we stayed together and she was invited to go eat with her group and well she cant leave me so that was interesting and im glad mine isnt for a long time. Tuesday :haahha we always plan our contacts and how we are going to decide who to contact and today we chose to contact people with the color pink and woah. Literally everyone was wearing pink and it stressed me out... but at the same time it was super good too because all our lessons fell through but we talked to a lot of pink people who are truly prepared!!! Wednsday : Wow we had a lesson with Jose Miguel, the miracale from sunday and he understood the restauration and had his daughter read the pamphlet and she liked it too!! hopefully the next lesson is with his daughter as well and pray that he will be able to come to church with us tomorrow!!! Thursday : We had a dog that followed us around ALL DAY. Literally we walked so much and the dog just followed us. We called him manchas. which means stain. hahah his name is stain. We then had to return him to his owners because he was really lost. Pretty funny to be honest. Friday : Ayer. Fue bien loco. como siempre. Nothing really big happened other than we now have a district of all gringos. its bien loco but its gonna be super fun!!!  and today, our p day is today because monday we have a reunion with all the missionaries and WE GET TO SEE THE PROPHET!!!!!! WOHOO its going to be amazing and i cant wait to tell you all about it next monday! I LOVE YOU ALL AND HAVE AN AMAZING WEEK Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Week 21

I truly love this gospel and al that i am learning here in the mission. i love seeing the changes in the lives of the people i get to teach. I love you all and i know that if you have the opportunity to learn the gospel it is because God knows youre ready!!! Accept it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monday : We cleaned the house SO GOOD. You would all be so proud of how clean everything was. It was super satisfying. And we ate hotdogs and let me tell ya theyre so good. Also i bought doritos here in Ecuador, and well theyre not the same so im just gonna stick to rice and beans (; Tuesday : We have mamitas, theyre moms in the ward that cook us lunch every day and theyre super sweet THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO FEEDS THE MISSIONARIES WE REALLY APPRECIATE IT. This lunch was really funny though because we ate on a bench in the front entry room thing because she said she was busy and we brought the bowl to the kitchen to help and her whole family was there in the kitchen and they felt bad because we were eating alone, on the bench, but then each person in the family came out at different times and gave us different excuses but apologized. They felt bad for us but truly i thought it was so funny. We had a good conversation too. funny lunches Wednsday : Wow we had really fun lunches this week! We ate with a family that feeds the elders because our mamita couldnt but wow this family is so smart and so knowledgeable in the gospel! We had some crazy conversations and let me tell ya, READ THE FOOTNOTES!!! Theyre really there for a reason hahaha Thursday : We had a lot of lessons today and they were all the plan of salvation and that was a lesson that i wasnt super confident to teach and i had been praying to understand it better so i could have more confidence to teach it and that night as i was writing all the lessons we taught, i realized that Heavenly Father answered my prayers by allowing me to teach it so much today. Such a testimony builder that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. Friday : We had weekly planning and were planning for a family that is struggling a bit right now. We decided to pray to know what to teach them this week and when we finished praying we both felt like we should teach the restaration. but we have taught that multiple times but we went with it and decided to use the bible to support everything. That night we had a lesson with that family and everything fell into place perfectly. We explained who is God and what he wants for us and then the hermana asked does it talk about the book of mormon in the bible? and bam we had the lesson planned out!!! God Is In Charge! Saturday : We had a really good lesson that God doesnt take our families away from us when we join the church, and he doesnt condem us but sometimes we go through situations that make us turn to him and remember him more. Things are going to happen in life, good and bad, but with the gospel, life becomes easier and we can get through whatever trial we face in life. Sunday : FAMILIA BONILLA CAME TO CHURCH AGAIN WOHOOOOO!!! Church was great and always go to church!! Wow we had a miricale. There was a creepy guy on the side of the road and i felt nervous to talk to him but we planned to contact anyone who responds, and he responded. We gave him a tarjeta with our number and started walking again but the guy on the other side of the street and called us down and asked what we have. and so we shared a message of jesus christ with him. He has been sick for the past 3 years and has been looking for answers and hasnt found any answers in the other churches. We shared the restauration with him and he loved it!!! We have another lesson with him this week!!1 MIRICALES HAVE AN AMAZING WEEK AND I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Week 20 - Miracles!

Story Time!!!! We had a rough week last week finding a lot of people ready to teach and who are prepared for the gospel. But this week we were ready to work hard to find those people prepared!! So this email will probably be loco but ahh good luck!! We found this family while we were looking for a girl we were teaching but she wasnt home, but her family was!!! We just started talking to the parents for a bit and then they let us share the message of the restoration and WOW SO GOOD!!!! THEY LOVED IT SO MUCH!! The father kept telling us that he usually doesnt like things like that. and he usually leaves but he felt something different and stayed attentive the whole time and we invited them to church and he couldnt come because of work but he told his wife and son that they are going to go to church and guess what!!! THEY CAME TO CHURCH!!!!! AND THEY LOVED IT!! SORRY NOT A LOT OF TIME BUT I LOVE THIS WORK AND I LOVE THIS GOSPEL!!! The spirit will speak to us in the ways that we know! He will speak to us in our language and in ways that we will understand always. We just have to be willilng to look for it. I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS!!!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

Monday, August 5, 2019

Week 19 - Highs and Lows and Ups and Downs!!!

Woah this week flew by and may I say I love where I am and what I am doing. This week was sort of crazy!!! I am learning a ton and holy wow I love it!! Im reading in Alma 43 and I always thought that Alma was just a bunch of war chapters... which is basically true but wow it is full of tons of amazing lessons!! in alma 43 it talks about how the lamanites were prideful and didnt use armor but the nephites prepared and had a ton of armor that protected them from the hits. Well the story goes on and the Lamanites die with one hit and the nephites survive many blows but survive. some die due to the loss of blood. This is us, three type of people. Those who are hit by satan and die or fall away with one blow. Those who dont have any armor or a testimony. Then there are the nephites, those who work and prepare and strengthen there armor or there testimony and when satan attacks, they hurt but they survive and continue forward but after a few more blows they bleed to death and die, or let satan take control of there testimony, and then those who continue perservering and take the hits and continue forward. In this battle that were in right now who are you going to be? Those who let satan win in one blow or continue fighting until Christ comes again? Tuesday : Whohooo we have this family that has a situation that is a bit difficult but they want to wait to be baptized but the kids want to be baptized and we got permission and they were going to be baptized this saturday!!!! (keep reading) Wednsday : Who knew a baptismal interview could take 2 hours and its just becuase the quietest person on the earth likes to talk!! haha we contacted a lot today and climbed a lot of mountains!! thats the high and low and up and down bahaha if you didnt get it.... Thursday : Please never hit the book of mormon. That book is a letter from God to each of us individually and we should take care of it like its our world, because it has all the answers to guide us through this world. ah cherish that book and read it every day!!! Friday : We helped out with a meeting reunion thing for parents that have kids taht will serve missions and wow highly recomend it!!! We need to help people find there testimony, be independent spiritually instead of constantly relying on borrowed light!!!  Saturday!!!!!! SANTIAGO GOT BAPTIZED!!!! He is going to be such a strong member and wow the gospel really is for every one!!! He showed up to his baptism by himself, and we showed up late, go us... but he was so nervous but when he came out of the water you could just see the light in him. It also helps when he really likes a member... But dont worry the coolest thinga bout him was when we saw the change in his testimony, when he started doing things for himself. Sunday : Bryan and Andi the boys that were going to be baptized this saturday didnt attend church so were going to push there baptism a week but aahhhh all is well. Today i think we climbed up a hill and down a hill, the same hill probably 5 times no joke. My legs are going to be so buff. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL AND I LOVE YOU ALL READ ALMA BECAUSE ITS GOLDEN AND NOT ALL ABOUT WARS!!!! HAVE A GOOD WEEK! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell