Monday, October 21, 2019

Week 30 - Back to Work and In the Rain

Week 31 – Back to Work and In the Rain October 21, 2019 What a week. back to work and never been happier, little update with the family with the baby. They live in a different sector but were staying in gonzalez for a bit, so we called them and they were back in there home, BUT we asked if the missionaries could visit them and THEY SAID OH OF COURSE AND WERE SO EXCITED AND WOW I LOVE THIS WORK! The whole protest thing has calmed a lot and were back to working like normal! Thank you for all the prayers!!!! Wednesday We were back in business!! wohoooo teaching lessons and loving life! Thursday We had a reunion with a few zones and president to talk about what happened the past week and what we learned from it, so im gonna share what i learned from it... Being stuck inside for me really didnt make me frustrated, it gave me a chance to eat up the scriptures, studying everyday and really focusing on my personal testimony while trying to call and talk to others and help them with theres. It made us think about Jose Smith when he was in carthage and how strong he truly was. We didnt get the chance to take the sacrament and it made me really desire a future family based on the gospel. With a husband that no matter what is happening in the world, can bless the sacrament and protect my family. It made me appreciate the time i have to talk to as many people as i can. We got 2 hours to leave, and we talked to everyone. And we found people that really need the gospel in there lives. President mentioned a chain of events thats happened here in ecuador, starting with the ground breaking for the temple, then elder bendnar, then the PROFETA and elder cook, and the area president or somethinglike that and then the army of the Lord in all of ecuador was GUARDADO. not sure the traslation. (mom?) We were inside for a reason and we learned what we needed to learn and grew in ways we could only grow inside. I couldnt be happier to be back outside talking to everyone and inviting them to come unto Christ. It truly is the greatest gift we can offer. SO SHARE IT. There is neither man nor women in this church who is not on a mission. That mission will last as long as they live, and it is to do good, to promote righteousness, to teach the principles of truth, and to prevail upon themselves and everybody arund them to live those principles htat htey may obtain eternal life. Brigham Young We have a mission in the world, each human, each women, each child who has grown to understanding or to the years of accountability, ought to be qualified to preach the truth, to bear testimony of the truth. Joseph F.. Smith We had many miracles this week and many answered prayers. Thank you for your support in everything and continue being a light in this darkening world!!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Week 29 - Delivered a baby and protests and house arrest - what?

Thankfully the UN stepped in and helped the government and indigenous people of Ecuador to come to a compromise Sunday night. The missionaries were taken off of house arrest Tuesday and were allowed to have a p-day after being in their homes for 8 days!! It was so good to see her face and hear her voice and know she was ok. She said there was only 1 time she felt unsafe, and that was walking home one night before they were put on house arrest. There were a lot of fires in their town. People from other towns would come in to break into the stores since everything was shut down, so the store owners would build fires in front of their shops to keep people out. The missionaries had a lot of time for study, prayer and sleep. And we got a lot of funny videos since they were so bored!😂😂 So grateful for all of your fasting and prayers for ashlyn and everyone else in Ecuador! Kristen Week 29 – Delivered a baby and protests and house arrest – what? October 15, 2019 okay. hello everybody. I would like to start off by saying that conference was AMAZING. I LOVED EVERY PART THAT I GOT TO SEE!!!!! The true joy really does come from Christ and His love for us. and please. just share the gospel with everyone. Dont be scared to share the best thing that has ever happened to us. But hey ill get onto my week well two weeks because youre gonna love em! Wedsnday a week ago we got back to san pablo from picking up my comp and had a great day! whooohoooo Thursday a week ago, there were no busses. We couldnt leave our little pueblo to get to the rest of our sector. Friday THERE WAS FIRE IN THE STREETS WHAT Saturday we watched conference in a hardware store because we couldnt get to the chaple. and there were millitary taking down big groups of people. So then we watch the second session of conference but only get to hear the opening song because then we helped give birth.... sin bromas. We called 911 but with the protest happening in ecuador for the gas prices there were no cars and no hospitals. So i helped give birth. Literally. it was interesting. beautiful. scary. everything. We then taught the family the plan of salvation and taht was special. Sunday we watched conference then studied inside. because ecuador was crazy. Monday a bunch of indians marched to quito ( 3 hours in bus) to talk to the president, with sticks. Tuesday more fires in the street to protect our pueblo from other pueblos trying to rob our stores, how rude. but for reals we were running out of food. Wedsnsday we were inside again and studied Thursday same Friday well, same Saturday WE GOT TO LEAVE FOR 2 HOURS AND WE FOUND MILAGROS!!!!!!!!!!!!! sunday well, we didnt get to partake of the sacrament and had our own cute ven sigame inside our house. whohhoooo but THEY PUT ALL THE BUS PRICES BACK TO NORMAL AND THE PARO CAME TO A FIN There were a lot of deaths and injuries in quito but all the missionaries are safe and were taken care of!!!! it was a crazy 2 weeks but that was the rundown hope you enjoy!!!!!!!! SHARE THE GOSPEL THAT IS OUR MISSION. NOT JUST WITH A TAG, OUR LIFE MISISON IS TO SHARE THE GOSPEL. INVITE SHARE, LOVE, SERVE, JUST BE LIKE CHRIST PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbell

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


wow lets get started. I would just like to start off by saying, God is always with us. God knows what is happening in our lives and he is listening. This week was wooahhhhhhhh wild. Monday : well we couldnt leave our area so we walked around otavalo for 3 hours. Pretty divertido!  Tuesday : I studied on the floor, on a mattress this week, and taught a family who just had a baby! literally like 2 weeks ago! She went to church 4 years ago a lot! but her husband at the time was going through a lot of problems and they stopped going, but when we visited them for the first time it was 4 days after she gave birth and wow the husband was so open and so willing to listen! When shes strong enough to leave the house theyre going to start coming to church again!!! NEVER STOP SHARING THE GOSPEL PEOPLE ARE READY AND IF NOT NOW THEN ITS IN THE FUTURE AND YOURE PLANTING THE SEEDS NOW! KEEP IT UP! Wednsday : Well, my stomach makes lots of wierd noises and its really uncomfortable at times. but thats life. i love it! oh cool story. during intercambios we contacted a hombre and he was super amable and we got his number and they havent visited him yet but he passed by us yesterday and i said hi but didnt talk much but today HE PASSED BY US AGIAN and this time we stopped and talked to him and scheduled a lesson. fijamos una cita. however you say that but woah the LORD IS GREAT Thursday : We cant control others. only ourselves. Being in a trio is hard. sometimes i walk behind them and just say the living christ and talk to myself and say hi to everyone and guess what, IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! so dont be sad. just think of Christ and youll love life! Friday : We cleaned a field that was really bleh and there were stones and the elders were throwing them trying to make a goal in the soccer goal. sometimes english is hard. but i picked up a rock and threw it and yeah i made it. it was cool.  Saturday : Woah crazy day, we had a sports morning with the ward and that was super fun! then we went to san pablo (wohoo my home) then we went back to otavalo (wohoo still a great place but not my home) and contacted a lot but cool experience!  all our lessons fell through and in my head i just said the lord is preparing someone help us find them and we knocked on a door and a cute mother answered the door and we ended up helping her peal potatoes! for 1.5 hours but woah she met with the missionaries hace a little time ay.. but she has a book of mormon and is gonna start reading it agian and theyre gonna meet with her agian this week!!! MILAGROS!!!!!!! Sunday : divisions are fun with members. and JENNY WAS CONFIRMED!!! WOHOOOOOO We then packed because hna mortimer is going to the coast and then we met up with other hermanas and guess what a NEW COMP FOR A FEW DAYS!!! HNA JENSEN FROM UTAH AND SHES AMAZING AND SO SWEET AWE I LOVE HER. we then contacted in her area (area number 3 que loco) and then we went to sleep. CAMBIOS : im staying in san pablo and im going to go to quito today to pick up my companion!!!! yahyyyy love my life and love the misison.  LIFE IS HARD BUT SO WORTH IT!!! When life gets hard, read your scriptures, talk to the Lord and find the miracles. The Lord is incharge and when we let him work his miricales, we find happiness and joy in our lives. AND WOAH GENERAL CONFERENCE IS THIS WEEKEND WHAT!!!!! All of you! WATCH CONFERENCE. Go in with a question and pray to know what the Lord wants you to get out of conference! Email me this weekend your favorite talk and why!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL YOURE ALL AMAZING!!!"!! Fe en Dios incluye Fe en Su tiempo Hermana Campbel<3