Saturday, March 30, 2019

Week 1

Well hello everyone!! Hope you all have had an amazing week! Today is day 4 of the MTC and it’s amazing! I have been loving every second of it and just taking it all in! This gospel is incredible! I have been learning so much! It makes me so happy hahaha. There are those moments where you get down on yourself and feel stressed but I know that I am being watched over and strengthened. My companion is Hermana Roberts and she is a little taller than me and is super fun to be around! She’s going to be serving in Barcelona Spain! I’ve also seen Hermana Wagstaff and Jonsgma from the home ward and I’ve seen Elder Nydenger, Hermana Mayte Rodriguez, Mary Snow, and Abby Simmons! It’s been so cool to see so many people I know! Something that I’ve noticed is that anytime I’m alone (when Hermana is in the bathroom or showering) I’ve found myself praying. Not for any reason but just because of the comfort I get from my Heavenly Father. I find myself talking to Him, thanking Him, and just needing to let Him know how I’m feeling in the moment. It is absolutely amazing. If we put ourselves in places where we can feel His love and His spirit, He will answer our questions and concerns with everything! He loves and cares about each and every one of us SO much and He wants us all to return to Him. He knows us by name and knows what we need so just ask. Get on your knees and ask Heavenly Father with all your heart and He will answer you. I love this gospel so much and I am so blessed to have the ability and opportunity to give this gospel to the people of Ecuador and wow, there’s no other place I’d rather be. TE AMO Hermana Campbell <3 1. Mi districto Hermana Wangsgard, Almonte, y Roberts 2. All of my district... Elder Gonzales y Ramirez 3. Hermana Snow 4. Hermana Simmons 5. My zone (:

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Entering the MTC

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 Ashlyn entered the missionary training center to begin her mission. Before entering our family was invited in for her to be set apart by the mtc president since we were in Utah so long before her report date. Through that blessing, I have no doubt Ashlyn is doing what and going where Heavenly Father needs her. What an incredibly spiritual experience for our family and for Ashlyn. After her setting apart, we went for lunch at Rumbi Island Grill, did some last minute shopping at Walmart, and then took her to the MTC for a 12:30pm report time. It was a very fast and rushed process, but we were all able to give her one last hug before she was taken by another sister to start her journey. What a memorable, wonderfully hard day for all of us, but it is the beginning of her adventure!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Hello everyone!! I can not wait to get into the mtc where I get to learn more about the gospel so I am better prepared to teach the people in Quito! I know this church is true and all the changes are here to greater prepare us for Christ's coming! I love this gospel more than anything and I can not wait to begin my adventure! You will all be in my prayers and I love you all very much! Thanks for all the support! Te amo con todo mi corazon! <3 Hermana Campbell